Hector Bellerin


New member
Bellerín is too expensive to be a back-up, and I think that's all we need right now, as Sergi Roberto is doing well imo. I'd rather go for someone like Hysaj, who impressed me this summer.

Napoli will not sell cheap.

I would buy a young player, cheap if possible. France has a lot of them.

God Serena

New member
40m for a right back is too much, the other players we buy for that price are strikers, and 40m is the normal price for a ST. In addition Bob is more than capable at RB so we arent desperate for a RB right now. It would just create the same situation we had with Bravo except Bob and Bellerin are similar in age. lol buying Bellerin wont help us against shitty teams as he is also bad at defending himself, and it certainly doesn't mean we will win trophies because of him

Anyway, he wont come. this is most likely a ploy by his agent to get Arsenal to increase thier offer in his contract negotiations, this has happened too many times for us to even get excited about, also the next transfer window is in 3 months time.

40m isn't too much when we're dropping similar figures on backups who likely won't last more than a couple of seasons here. Roberto is capable at RB but the same could be said for every position he plays, and if you ask me he's quite a bit better in our midfield than both Denis and Rafinha and there's no doubt he's our most capable backup for Busi, so it's not as if he'll end up benched whenever Bellerin is playing, which is the entire reason there was an issue with our keepers in the first place.

Bellerin being bad at defending is better than Vidal not knowing how. Alba and Adriano were never exactly gods defensively, either, but at least they're able to do the job, which imo Bellerin is capable of. We won't win trophies "Because of him" but the squad will certainly be stronger than it is now, and stronger squads mean more trophies, that's just how it is.


President of FC Barcelona
Sure you can go ahead and sign Bellerin for 40m and let him compete with Roberto, but if Roberto performs at a World Class level, why not buy a RB with WC potential who would cost far less?

This Almamy Touré seems to be the highest rated RB talent in Ligue 1 right now with reportedly good technical skills, passing range and defensively sound. Time is a problem, but if I got it while Monaco are playing, I'll definitely want to keep an eye on him.

I wouldn't mind Bellerin, but if Hector want to return then he need to do so by not signing a contract extension and pushing for a move. He left in the first place when the club wanted to keep him and there's no way in hell Barca should pay 40m+ for him if Roberto settles down at the position.

While I'm writing this, SPORT just published the first part of an exclusive interview with Mestre hinting towards a possible return of Bellerin lel
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New member
It would be a huge shame if Roberto decides to leave if another Arsenal player is re-signed. Cesc-Thiago 2.0 again. The fact that we've also pissed away money on players like Hleb, Song and Vermaelen from them doesnt make it better.


New member
We need 2 quality signings still: A world class right back, and a world class centre back. If we buy those 2, we'll be set for several years to come. In that sense, I don't think spending 40 million on one of them would be a mistake, if he really lives up to the expectations.


New member
We need 2 quality signings still: A world class right back, and a world class centre back. If we buy those 2, we'll be set for several years to come. In that sense, I don't think spending 40 million on one of them would be a mistake, if he really lives up to the expectations.

World class center back? for what?
World class right back? For what.

Sell Vidal and get Di Sciglio. Great defender, young.


New member
We need 2 quality signings still: A world class right back, and a world class centre back. If we buy those 2, we'll be set for several years to come. In that sense, I don't think spending 40 million on one of them would be a mistake, if he really lives up to the expectations.

They will leave at the end of the season though, so then we'll be back to square one. Cant have lots of superstars joining us from rich clubs rotting on the bench.


Senior Member
FFS what an atrocious decision. It's a joke we keep going after Arsenal players.

I really hope Mestre is saying this as a smokescreen because it would be a huge slap in the face of Roberto if we actually sign this guy.


President of FC Barcelona
Mestre just said there's a window open tbf, and that others like Pique have gained experience somewhere else and returned. Doesn't mean it'll happen and if it happens, it will 10 months from now on.


New member
Mestre just said there's a window open tbf, and that others like Pique have gained experience somewhere else and returned. Doesn't mean it'll happen and if it happens, it will 10 months from now on.

Pique was signed when he had a year left so we got him cheap because he wanted to go on a free. Bellerin is in contract negotiations about an extention.


New member
I am sure this is just smokescreen, so we can sign Fabinho without too much competition.

Or should I say "I am hoping"?


Senior Member
Roberto has been class so far, we could do with a backup though.

Unfortunately it wont be so simple. For his high price and leaving a secured starting RB position at Arsenal, no doubt one of his demands would be to be the starting RB at Barca.

I mean there is no way the guy is going to leave Arsenal if he knows that he is going to be a back-up to Roberto.

We do need a back-up, but Bellerin definitely doesn't fit in that sense.

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