Ibrahim Afellay


New member
This guy is make incredibly big steps!! He plays very well on the training.. He is now one of the darlings of Guardiola!!
The fans love him, especially after major assist on Messi incredible... Barcelona gets not just a player.
They have a purpose... He is also multifunctional! { Like Iniesta }!!
He was the best midfielder in the Dutch league, and best captain!
Believe me, this kid will be great for Barcelona! This half year but if you compare as bonus.
He has even sung by Messi on the plane! Let his time will come, and be patient!



I think he is great :) He needs more time for sure, but I see a lot of potential... as Villa said, i think he can add a lot to this team.

Hope he'll score in these last games.


New member
He played a strong game and very good!! That's what the most say.. me2.
He had good actions, good passes, unfortunately no goal.
Jeffren and Thiago were too much with the ball, to forests for their own success.

I hope he will score, next week!


Mike the Knife
Really looked like the best player on the pitch for most of those 90 minutes...Shame, he couldn't pull a Messi and score on that parked bus - but he is, after all, a mere mortal...Of course, I also thought he'd finally get a through ball in for either Bojan or Jeffren...Several passes just missed or were intercepted but I liked how fluid & direct he played for the most part...Seemed aggressive, as if he was auditioning perhaps for some minutes at Wembley, who knows

Like to see more of that from him, more consistently


New member
He was amazing tonight if he plays like that more often he will be a real asset, hes only been here half a season so far and already im pretty impressed.

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