New member
+1Villa-Ibra-Messi would be the starting line up. Bojan and Pedro would be super subs.
I'm sorry, but having three ~170cm players in front just doesen't cut it for me.
+1Villa-Ibra-Messi would be the starting line up. Bojan and Pedro would be super subs.
I'm sorry, but having three ~170cm players in front just doesen't cut it for me.
Bojan. Or at least he should be the first replacement for Villa. Ibra shouldn't be here next season, there's no room for him.
there's no place for a striker at a team that plays 433 and only has four other first-team-quality forwards on the books?
ok ronnie was a tad taller but still.
lol Meta, you really ought to be more obvious with your sarcasm when it comes to some posters.
i love your smiley formation.
i concur with you regarding bojan, pedro and jeffren being the squad players though i wonder what to do with keirrison.
there's no place for a striker at a team that plays 433 and only has four other first-team-quality forwards on the books?
Well seen as Cesc seems likely to arrive you can then add Iniesta to the LW options. Is Zlatan going to accept sitting on the bench next season as well? Messi will always play. That leaves two positions for Villa Ibra Pedro Bojan and quite possibly Iniesta. You can't accomodate all of them. Plus the fact Ibra is losing value all the time. We should cut our losses.