İlkay Gündoğan


Staff member
I'm surprised players come here. We don't treat them well and try to get rid of them in sneaky ways.
Also any player who rocks the boat is frowned upon. Gundo clearly called out the players after the Madrid and PSG losses and found out that alot of them are sulky bitches.
Too often, this club only looks at technical ability and overlooks other attributes like winning mentality.
It's the reason why we got dumped out of the Europa League TWICE.

We do lack leaders in the squad. Ter Stegen as captain is a joke.


Senior Member
Gundobum was toast anyway. We signed him because we were desperate, but in the biggest games he was ghosting. No point in keeping a semi-retired player just to pay him millions.


Senior Member
Gundobum was toast anyway. We signed him because we were desperate, but in the biggest games he was ghosting. No point in keeping a semi-retired player just to pay him millions.

Are you high again or just forgot to take your pills?

top3 player of a treble winning team, scoring the important goals. (started ghosting only for Barca huh?)

Team which is willing to take him back 2 years older
Says it all really


The way we behave is beyond awful. I am truly ashamed of this board.
Been happening with every board. Mismanagement started dooming us about the time we let Thiago go to Bayern because we don't know what's on his contract. Thiago would have held Barca midfield down those years we were fumbling for Coutinho/Rakitic/Paulinho/Arthur/etc.

That's about the time we started trying to really become Galacticos Barca


Senior Member
Thiago would have held Barca midfield down those years...
Let's be real here. Knowing Thiago's injury history and taking into consideration the Barca injury factor, which is about 2,7 compared to every other club, he would play around 10 games per season.


Well-known member
I wonder what lameass shit the board will come up with for Gundogan exit?
Moon in Virgo, Deco cut himself shaving, Laporta overdosed on pastries.....????


Senior Member
Rakitic was a good player, especially his first season. He pressed all game and worked twice as hard on the right side to compensate for Messi standing around. All while contributing offensively as well. He fell off towards the end, but he was getting older and likely tired from playing nonstop.

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