İlkay Gündoğan


San Claudio Bravo
You have to watch him play full games to notice, highlights don't work because you need to focus on his off-ball movement both on offense and on defense. There is a definite difference in his movement, agility and intensity of play from pre-injury to post-injury.

I'll say though, I've noticed improvement from the start of the season to now, which lends credence to the possibility of full recovery, but as of now there is a difference in the player from pre to post injury.

However, I wouldn't mind Barcelona signing him if they also sign another sure-thing midfielder as well. Gundogan is still a good player, even on current form, just that I haven't seen his excellent pre-injury level just yet.


New member
Well, how do you expect him to be as good as two years ago when he's now playing with the likes of Missitaryan, Immobilol and a constantly injured Reus instead of Götze, Lewandowski and fit Reus. Can't expect him to shine when his surroundings suddenly turn to shit.


San Claudio Bravo
I don't expect him to be unaffected by the team struggling, but I watched his play individually of the team and I stand by what I said.


New member
Of course he would. How are you not able to see that most players would rather sign for a better club than make more money? There is no player in the world who would choose United if he could play for Barça or Madrid. If Barça come calling, Gündogan will stay at Dortmund until January and then join us. He will not be cup tied anyway.

lmao easy with the generalizations. As bad as the last two years for them are, they're still United.

Gundogan is not a Latin/Iberian player after all, and Van Gaal is a highly respected manager that's one level lower, arguably the same level even, as Ancelotti and way above Lucho (who I rate as a manager). Sure, FCB/RM might still be the first choice, but the choice is a lot more complicated, especially with money involved.
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I would take 20M Ilkay over 80M+ Pogba,Verrati or 60M Koke any day.We have a decent midfield and apart from Verrati i can't see anyone who can vastly impoves it.


New member
I can't decide between Pogba and Verratti. Verratti seems like the obvious choice - a more aggressive version of the controlling playmaker (Scholes-like), but Pogba might just fit into Luchos Barça better than most would think. I think of Pogba - in terms of possibilities - as the more interesting choice.

Koke should stay in Atléti just for the sake of spanish football.


Senior Member
I would take 20M Ilkay over 80M+ Pogba,Verrati or 60M Koke any day.We have a decent midfield and apart from Verrati i can't see anyone who can vastly impoves it.
I'd take O.Torres, who should be the cheapest of them all and will be great in futures (he is atypically mature for his position/role already at 20). Better to invest in nurturing great future generation than chase after all these mega expensive superstars. Iniesta, Raki, Busi and if we are smart, Xavi can still be the core for one or two seasons (i believe Xavi could easily play as long as Pirlo, if used wisely). After that we would have potentially killer midfield in shape of Busi/Roberto, Rakitic and and young ones, Samper, Torres, Suarez, Halilovic.


New member
Seems like we are interested in Ilkay.

miércoles 06 mayo - Liga BBVA Escribe: Redacción Don Balón

Señalan que Gundogan ya maniobra para acercar su fichaje por el Barcelona

El futbolista alemán ya ha anunciado que no renovará su contrato con el Borussia Dortmund y el club azulgrana podría ficharlo este verano y dejarlo cedido en el conjunto alemán hasta enero de 2016
Ilkay Gundogan ya lo ha decidido: no seguirá en el Borussia Dortmund más allá de 2016. El futbolista alemán no tiene intención de ampliar su contrato con el club alemán y se ha puesto decididamente en el escaparate para acercarse al Barcelona. Según ha publicado SportBild, ese es el equipo en el que desea jugar durante los próximos años. Desde el club azulgrana, están encantados con el gesto del centrocampista. Con la marcha de Xavi, consideran que el futbolista, que cumplirá 25 años en octubre, puede ser un muy buen relevo en una zona tan delicada para los barcelonistas como es el centro del campo.

La intención del Barcelona pasaría por cerrar ya la compra del jugador con su actual equipo, que no podrá reclamar una cantidad demasiado elevada dado que acaba contrato el 30 de junio del próximo año, y dejarlo ahí en calidad de cedido hasta enero de 2016. En caso de que el Dortmund no consiga clasificarse para disputar la Europa League la temporada que viene, no habría problema alguno para que jugara tanto la Liga como la Champions con los azulgrana. En caso contrario, los servicios técnicos de la entidad barcelonista podrían incluir una cláusula para evitar que el jugador se alineara en competición europea.

It basically says that Ilkay will not renew with Dortmund and that he wants to play for FCB and the board apparently fancy him as a successor of Xavi. The club will be ready to loan him to Dortmund until January 2016.

I would not be against us buying him if the transfer fee was the right one. I am just far from sure that he will ever reach the heights of his 2012-2013 season before his back injury that kept him out for over 400 days.

The rumor is probably bullshit as I have not seen this rumor anywhere else in the local media.


New member
Gündogan for ~25M plus Koke for ~60M >>>>>>>>>>> buying Pogba for ~80M.

Every fan should pray that this rumour is not BS. #freeIlkay


New member
Gündogan for ~25M plus Koke for ~60M >>>>>>>>>>> buying Pogba for ~80M.

Every fan should pray that this rumour is not BS. #freeIlkay

As much as I like Koke, he is not worth 60 million euros. I would only pay that kind of money for players who would truly make a difference. The likes of Neymar, Suárez etc.

I personally fancy Óliver Torres a lot as a successor of Don Andrés. Both for FCB and La Roja. A class act and he would definitely be much cheaper than Koke. The money we would save could be spent on other positions. Such as finding long-term replacements for Mascherano and Alves.

I never considered Pogba to be worth 80 million euros but it's an election year and the board is definitely interested in him. Pogba is no doubt a special talent and would have 10+ good years in him (potentially) but that's an insane price nevertheless.
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Gündogan for ~25M plus Koke for ~60M >>>>>>>>>>> buying Pogba for ~80M.

Every fan should pray that this rumour is not BS. #freeIlkay

Dr Pepper is happy again :D
I would mind if we got him,
Only if he will return to his 2012-13 level, otherwise, heck no :tito:


New member
With the new EPL TV deal, prices have increased 30-40% for any player. 100m euros is nothing these days.


New member
Gundogan for 25M is a no brainer imo. Even if he doesn't reach his former level, anything remotely close to it is worth 25M.


New member
That's the thing, that fee makes it relatively risk-free to sign him. The potential gain is enormous if he adapts well and plays at a high level. I mean, Rakitic cost us 18-20m euro and he has been an incredible bargain for us. Legendary in fact.

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