Ivan Rakitić


Senior Member
I don't care if he is a headless chicken, the question was how is he the one covering the most distance when he can barely break into a jog.

He runs about one paced and slow pretty much the whole game.

Distance covered doesn't really mean all that much on its own.


Senior Member
I am watching Croatia-Kosovo right now he is playing disastrous again. He is getting worse and worse... :facepalm:

He is sooo slow, so heavy, so many misplaced passes...wtf has happened to the guy from the treble season and the guy from Sevilla?!?! He is playing like a 40 year old guy...
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Senior Member
Still much better than walking whole game, not pressuring the ball like most of our players.

Only really Messi doesnt pressure the ball that much and players like Raki and Iniesta are just to slow to do it effectively. Too slow to move off ball and give options etc.

Raki has never been anything great and is getting slower.


New member
Speed, acceleration and distance are three very different things. Also, he lacks intelligence, so his high ground cover is pretty much nothing special for us.

Once again the question was how does he cover the most distance in this team when he apparently "cannot break into a jog", I'm talking about is he special or not.


Senior Member
Once again the question was how does he cover the most distance in this team when he apparently "cannot break into a jog", I'm talking about is he special or not.

He can jog.

It is pretty much all he can do. Jog about one paced as game passes him by.


Staff member
If you see him called up for Espanyol then you'll know it's his Spanish waitress wife forbidding him to travel to Turkey with Croatian NT.

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