Ivan Rakitić


New member
Welcome to Barca, Rakitic.
I have a feeling he is going to be a great utility player.

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Wild Man of Borneo
I see Rakitic playing the mother of all support roles in midfield. It'll be strange not having a player as dominant as Xavi anymore, but if our other midfielders recover their best and most consistent form I'm sure things will go very smoothly. For one, Busquets needs to return to the disciplined role he had under Guardiola as the pivot. Last season he roamed around too much so we had no organization and our midfield had no spine (the same issue that Bayern had against RM). Iniesta will benefit from us not playing chaotic Moyes football and instead going through the middle more often as he prefers. If those two get back to their best form, Rakitic's role is easy to fulfill:

In buildup he just has to provide all the movement and cover in a background manner while being there for his teammates to play off of and keep things going smoothly. His job will greatly facilitate the work of others, plus he can chip in with one of his Rocketic shots every so often (him+Suarez, glad to have the firepower). Defensively he's the main man to support Busquets in midfield and provide cover behind Messi in that right/central area. He has a high workrate and is smart about closing down space so that Busquets and the defense aren't nearly as exposed. He'll be a great help at defending set pieces with his presence and is the best indirect FK taker in our squad. He may not be a star, but he can have plenty of responsibility.


"Like all cules, I have four dreams... Winning Liga, Cup, CL, and... that Zubi finally signs a centre back"



Active member
His best game last season was against RM.Its good to have someone in your team who has experience of destroying Real.


New member
Rakitic is definitely the right man for the squad right now. All there is to say. I can't wait to see him work his magic in La Liga.


Super Saiyan
As sad as it may sound, the guy is a good player but I don't think hell play alot.. I dont know why. Feels like cesc all over again.


New member
As sad as it may sound, the guy is a good player but I don't think hell play alot.. I dont know why. Feels like cesc all over again.

He's a squad player not a Cesc ego where we have to fit him in anywhere. Rakitic will play as needed.


As sad as it may sound, the guy is a good player but I don't think hell play alot.. I dont know why. Feels like cesc all over again.
Humble and hardworking, exactly the opposite of Cesc.

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