Joan Laporta


Senior Member
I blame him for this more than anyone. He chose fucking super league ahead of Messi.
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Active member
Super League = Atleast 700Million or year or keeping Messi.

Easy decision, every President would choose Super League since it stables the club and gives them a immense Future


Senior Member
All the bullshit about this whole situation being on Tebas. First culprit is Laporta, lied and assured that this won't happen.


Well-known member
Kids will never understand the sacrifices their fathers do for them. Laporta is an great politician and someone who actually gives a damn about the club .. Laporta all the way


Well-known member
Do you think Messi leaving Barca is the defining moment for Laporta's entire Barca legacy?

He'll be forever remembered as the guy who allowed Messi to walk away from us for nothing.

He will always be remembered as the guy with big balls that saved Barca


Well-known member
Of course you reject this absurd deal La Liga has pressured you with.
Barcas long term future is more important than having a 34 year old for a couple more seasons.

I am fully on Laportas side on this one.
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Senior Member
I think people need to relax a bit :lol:. It's just football in the end. The most important is the stability of the club in the future, not getting deeper in the hole just to keep an old Messi for a few more seasons we won't win the CL anyway in.

If that CVC deal or whatever it is, is bad for Barca, we should stay away from it even if Messi leaves.

Bartomeu was a shortsighted fool, lets hope Laporta plays the longer game.
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Senior Member
I actually respect Laporta much more if he refuses to get the club into bad deals just to keep Messi. It means he's not a populist that plays down to masses with dangerous costs, which is exactly what his predecessor did.


Senior Member
According to every rumor it was Messi who rejected the deals, not Laporta hence why Laporta was all blablabla about renewing Messi all summer long.

Today Laporta will have to back track on every stupid sentence he said since June, will probably blame Tebas and the weather
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Senior Member
Staff member
Like the statement in social media, I think Laporta's words will be carefully chosen.

I expect something along "We tried our best, Messi was willing to lower his wages even more, but due to Liga we can't register him." Basically a lot of focus will be on Tebas with even more emphasis than the previous statement.
Not even sure if Laporta will say anything about what type of farewell Messi will be given, as he should if Messi 100 % is gone.


Senior Member
Yes as Tebas won the last word after the failed power play with the super league shit, Laporta will point all fingers to Tebas and I except him to be more aggressive this time.

He will try to calm everyone if he schedules and manage a Farwell to Messi.

Other than that I don't see what he can say or do.


Senior Member
According to every rumor it was Messi who rejected the deals, not Laporta hence why Laporta was all blablabla about renewing Messi all summer long.

Today Laporta will have to back track on every stupid sentence he said since June, will probably blame Tebas and the weather


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