Joan Laporta


President of FC Barcelona
This is not going to happen while Florentino is President. They have been ran incredibly well since he came back in 2009.

Florentino is already preparing for it. They're deciding between a 50+1 model where 49% of the shares are available on the market for investors with the socios retaining control of the club, or a model similar to Bayern where certain companies have a stake in the club and are a permanent part of the board of directors.

Florentino is old. This is probably going to be the last thing he does, as a part of his legacy before he steps down. I think this also points towards him knowing that the Super League is unlikely to materialize and that even a club such as Real Madrid will need this to compete vs. oil clubs in the future.


Senior Member
Maybe they are also worried about what will happen in case a new Ramon Calderon is the boss of the whole thing. The guy was a true clown.


President of FC Barcelona
Also means that no matter what happens to Real Madrid in the future, the club members will retain control of the club. So even if they need a bailout they won't lose control as this will be voted and ratified into the club statutes.


Senior Member
But why would some 3rd party invest massively into the club and relinquish control for the club members? When you do that you don't really want for a Bartomeu-type to decide what's best for the club.

I believe a lot of frustration is gonna appear if the members don't do their part.


Senior Member
Are the powers of the President heavily diminished in such a 51 members - 49 outside financing model? Or is the President more of a honorary position?


Well-known member
Florentino is already preparing for it. They're deciding between a 50+1 model where 49% of the shares are available on the market for investors with the socios retaining control of the club, or a model similar to Bayern where certain companies have a stake in the club and are a permanent part of the board of directors.

Florentino is old. This is probably going to be the last thing he does, as a part of his legacy before he steps down.
Florentino is definitely cooking something, attending a NBA game last week.


Well-known member
Are the powers of the President heavily diminished in such a 51 members - 49 outside financing model? Or is the President more of a honorary position?
I have no idea how the Bayern ownership works and how decisions are made

75% are owned by Bayern "socios"
8% by Adidas
8% by Audi
8% by Allianz

They are all Bavarian in origin.


Senior Member
I had to look who is their President. Apparently it's this guy: Herbert Hainer.

It's probably a board of directors. I don't think the President has powers to overrule the board on his own.

The CEO is Jan-Christian Dreesen.


President of FC Barcelona
Are the powers of the President heavily diminished in such a 51 members - 49 outside financing model? Or is the President more of a honorary position?

More like a traditional CEO rather than a President who can hire his buddies and family members as it sadly is now.
I think with Bayern name(s) are put forward by the club members/stakeholders up for vote in an AGM and then voted through.

So none of this elections, political BS as we have right now.


Senior Member
Then that's what we should be doing. The club is not going to become the toy of a single owner, but also the decision-making is more akin to a corporation, not allowing someone to sabotage the entire club based on a whim, or his ego.


Senior Member
Folks, good executives have been hired under Laporta, some left and some replaced them.
But they cost money, and requires money.

Barca doesn't have this tbh, there is no reason for a guy like Txiki to come back so he will have the opportunity to convince free agents to come here, when he can stay at City to buy Halaand and Gvardiol for zillions. Same with Pep who is going to be there for 8 years when he made it hell for us to renew him even when we were financially sound.

Xavi tactics aside, we have working on very limited budget, with big expectation, with refusal to sell sporting assets (guys like Gavi, Lamine etc are always said to not be for sale).

Alemany who was a business guru, was accepting an offer from Aston Villa (or wherever he was going) over staying here, before that deal collapsed.
Why? Because he would have had money to work there to reach the club's goals.

There is no fixation of the situation without fixing the financial issues.
Barca achieved glory because they were big club financially, despite what the catalan marketing machines will tell you about Catalan pride and La Masia. The club had the means to do big things, and they achieved it.

Laporta might fuck off, it won't fix a thing without fixing finances.


Senior Member
The first step should be to go 51/49 (or something similar) with the basketball, futsal and handball and show that the model functions.

Everybody supports these sections casually, but no one will truly give a crap whether Hong Chong Wong or Abu Dee Juu owns a portion as long as it is functioning, competing and winning.

If these work, takes the financial stress away from FFP (with expenses of these sections not being absorbed into the football section) while also showing that we control autonomy, then we can attempt to implement it into the football section and grow that sections profitability.


Senior Member

Real Madrid want to dominate La Liga, similar to Manchester City in England and Bayern Munich in Germany. @relevo

Let me repeat this for the people in here who still haven't realized what is at stake with Laporta's presidency:
-Until 1990, Madrid was the team that was traditionally dominating the Spanish league: 3peats, 4peats, 5peats, etc, while Barcelona was a team that was winning 1-2 leagues every decade (like 1 in the 70s, 1 in the 80s, and so forth)

-That whole thing changed in 1990 with Cryuff and with the 4 consecutive leagues. Since then, Barca were always in the conversation of winning the league, even if at times they stayed away from that for even 4 years (after LVG and before Rijkaard)

-With Pep becoming the coach, and with La Masia golden generation, Barca was the favorite almost every year for the league. There were actually only 1yr breaks in Barca's dominance, like madrid in '12, or Atleti in '14, that we would steer back to normal the next season. Even teams that were better than us in a certain season (look at Madrid in 2017) would have to win it on a tie, as we would always hunt them for the league and make it difficult for them.

-That dominance ended practically with the end of Bartomeu's tenure and the start of Laporta's 2nd tenure.
Now, since 2020, Madrid is the team that looks more likely winning the league EVERY SEASON, and Barca winning it is the exception (e.g. last season)

-Problem is, that given no other team can challenge consistently for leagues, we run the risk of reverting back to pre-1990 times. You see in the news above that it is a declared goal of the cunt club to make LL a farmers league in the way of PSG-L1 and Bayern-Bundesliga, or Juve-serieA in the past: that means winning 7,8,9, or 10 in a row, without any breaks. Imagine in 10 years from now talking about Madrid's 46 La ligas or so, and Barca's 27?

That is the big danger ahead of us, which Laporta's incompetence and narrow-mindedness is fueling.
That's why everyone should understand how important a vote in a presidential election is.
People did NOT understand it in 2021, and opted for a politician selling cheap and fake dreams.
We have probably lost already the battle until 2026 (given the state of both teams right now and the short-term projection), and if Laporta does not change course until 2026, the battle will be lost until 2029


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