Joan Laporta


Senior Member
Laporta has done a good job so far. The team improved a lot compared to 2-3 years ago. It's just that we have hit a development stage where, in order to make the next step, you need substantial financial power.

Fans simply need to calm down, don't inflate youngsters to high heavens to put artificial pressure on the management, and let the club recover. Much of the bleeding is gonna stop soon as the stadium is gonna be finished, insane back-payments to amigos are gonna be off our books and so on.

5-6 years to recover from Bartomeu... think if the club does it... it's commendable.
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Iniesta Ultra

Senior Member
Forget Zahavi . Laporta is a relic too and I don't think he's 80 years old.
This club is done and dusted. I predict the attendances will be drastically down in the new Camp Nou. There's nothing to be excited about.

A proper president and coach can turn things around.


Well-known member
Real is not only a club. It was the image of the Spanish state for 30 years in Europe. A backward fascist nation with mules instead of engines. And for sure most Spanish nationalists be it from the gov, army, La Liga, secret services to brothels still support Real. You will never see corporations there because they will broke the link and it will be harder to keep secrets.
Barca is also more than a club but it represents 3 million people from Catalunia and probably 2 more from Valencia, Franja, Baleares.
That's why Negreira it's a joke at best. It's like accusing Cecens of running the Russian league. But anyway, it is what it is.


Active member
Real is not only a club. It was the image of the Spanish state for 30 years in Europe. A backward fascist nation with mules instead of engines. And for sure most Spanish nationalists be it from the gov, army, La Liga, secret services to brothels still support Real. You will never see corporations there because they will broke the link and it will be harder to keep secrets.
Barca is also more than a club but it represents 3 million people from Catalunia and probably 2 more from Valencia, Franja, Baleares.
That's why Negreira it's a joke at best. It's like accusing Cecens of running the Russian league. But anyway, it is what it is.

It’s 2024 and Cule Creationism is stronger than ever. And you guys still wonder as to why FC Barcelona is not only economically but also socioculturally in the toilet. Wait, it’s “Madridismo Sociologico”, says cronie Laporta enjoying his all you can eat buffet (not food).

Ay caramba!


Active member
When the president isn't honest with the fans, and plays a shitty type of mental game with the club, then I'm not surprised the results are going bad !
Barca is going nowhere with him



President of FC Barcelona
I think I must have said this a billion times, but Laporta has never been a genius. He's as good as the people he surround himself with.

Elefant Blau in 2003 consisted of a lot of people that are still working at various clubs around Europe as top-level executives. He had a SD that had proven himself to be able to build two vastly different CL winning squads at Barca and put emphasis on scouting. Sure Txiki had his transfer blunders himself, but no one is infallible. What mattered is that he had way more success stories than failures. Johan Cruyff was still alive and Laporta took his advice very seriously. Even Sandro Rosell who has always been a SOB played a massive part in our revival back then as Ronaldinho might never have been a Barca player if not for Rosell knowing him and having those connections due to his tenure in Brazil with Nike.

Laporta is no football guy. He's an attorney that's a fan just like everyone else, but he surrounded himself with great people back then and trusted them which is/was one of the greatest things with him. He didn't get involved with every key decision as he trusted that his people had the competence to do the right thing.

Right now however despite a difficult financial situation, if you look at the people helping him out it's a former handball player who people in Catalunya have said is bigoted, his ex-wife's brother who by the way has no official position at FC Barcelona, but is always involved in every big decision including keeping Xavi lately, and two agents in Mendes and Pini Zahavi who doesn't have the club's best interests as their priority. Their priorities are their own pockets and their clients.

Favoritism, petty politics, nepotism, agent relations. You name it. I do believe Laporta cares a lot about the club and is desperate to get us back to the elites of Europe again, but he's not the young, charismatic guy anymore that could recruit and keep talented people to help him out anymore.

The worst thing is that I don't really believe someone like Victor Font who was his main challenger is really that much better. With Font it's a lot of yapping without anything concrete. The most concrete thing he brought up and talked about during the elections was how he was going to make Xavi the SD & Manager and basically have him make all our football decisions. Not even Pep does that at City lol.


Well-known member
When the president isn't honest with the fans, and plays a shitty type of mental game with the club, then I'm not surprised the results are going bad !
Barca is going nowhere with him

His physical condition represents the state of the club at the moment.


Well-known member
I do believe Laporta cares a lot about the club and is desperate to get us back to the elites of Europe again, but he's not the young, charismatic guy anymore that could recruit and keep talented people to help him out anymore.
It's not about age and he is still very charasmatic. The problem is football's world changed drastically in the last decade. Without the necessary money, you can't achive consistent success today. You can be the most charasmatic guy on earth, but if City pays triple the salary, the talented people will go there. You think all our successfull directors and staff from the Guardiola era went to Man City because they like the culture, the city or because the Arabs were charismatic?

We need to wait until the club can spend money again. That will be when the Nou Camp Nou is finished and the last deferred salaries should be payed out by then hopefully. I mean we still pay Messi if I'm not wrong. I will judge Laporta's 2nd period when the club is on it's feet again financially.
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