Joan Laporta


Senior Member
Favoritism, petty politics, nepotism, agent relations. You name it. I do believe Laporta cares a lot about the club and is desperate to get us back to the elites of Europe again, but he's not the young, charismatic guy anymore that could recruit and keep talented people to help him out anymore.

The worst thing is that I don't really believe someone like Victor Font who was his main challenger is really that much better. With Font it's a lot of yapping without anything concrete. The most concrete thing he brought up and talked about during the elections was how he was going to make Xavi the SD & Manager and basically have him make all our football decisions. Not even Pep does that at City lol.

I think we deserve better than that. All the bolded part that you mention is a hybris to the club and its history

It's not so much an age thing, but Laporta's mind is stuck in the old way of doing things.
He can't comprehend the new, simply as that

I agree with everything in your post, apart from last paragraph. Font's only flaw in the last presidential campaign was his obsession with Xavi. It made sense only because Xavi supported him and his campaign.
Once Xavi backstabbed him in order to remain open for Laporta as well (which Font himself acknowledged the day of the election after the results), Font took some distance.
Hence, I doubt Xavi would play any role in the Barca structure if Font becomes president

The point is the rest in Font's campaign was spot on. He is not a yankie that cares about business/money only. On the contrary, he understands how the game is played on the executive level, and how you build a club by populating the structure with professionals instead of friends and political allies

PS: Imagine that many voters did not vote for Font because they didn't want someone inexperienced as Xavi to be the coach, and preferred Laporta who was selling Pep's name at the time
... Only to endure 3 soon to be 4 nerve-wrecking years of Xavi


Senior Member
We've failed on all of our major objectives this season,so did Madrid last season, they didn't blow the entire club up and burn it down.

Be calm and address what needs addressing in the summer.

Iniesta Ultra

Senior Member
It's not about age and he is still very charasmatic. The problem is football's world changed drastically in the last decade. Without the necessary money, you can't achive consistent success today. You can be the most charasmatic guy on earth, but if City pays triple the salary, the talented people will go there. You think all our successfull directors and staff from the Guardiola era went to Man City because they like the culture, the city or because the Arabs were charismatic?

We need to wait until the club can spend money again. That will be when the Nou Camp Nou is finished and the last deferred salaries should be payed out by then hopefully. I mean we still pay Messi if I'm not wrong. I will judge Laporta's 2nd period when the club is on it's feet again financially.

How much did Leverkusen and Girona spend to achieve their results this year? And do you see any black magic luck involved?
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President of FC Barcelona
Already rumors about a motion of no confidence being planned if things don’t improve next season. The grace period have ended for him now.

He has hitched his wagon to Xavi and better hope and pray we do better next season because if not then I think there's a big chance his tenure will be cut short.


President of FC Barcelona
And this is why the club will forever be in crisis mode smh.

And that's why I've been saying the current ownership model isn't sustainable, but I don't think anyone got the guts to take up the matter to the socis.
I bet within 10-15 years another Bartomeu will have the club on the verge of bankruptcy.


Senior Member
I believe it is going to get done eventually. This whole catalan pride thing doesn't work if the club is effectively banished to 2nd rate.


Senior Member
And that's why I've been saying the current ownership model isn't sustainable, but I don't think anyone got the guts to take up the matter to the socis.
I bet within 10-15 years another Bartomeu will have the club on the verge of bankruptcy.

You definitely have a point, socios over react too much,only 1 team can win and it won't always be us.


Senior Member
1 bad season is enough to get them rattled. :lol:

Imagine going 33 seasons with a mere 1 title like Liverpool. They can't take that so they will sell the club eventually if it comes to that vs becoming 2nd rate. They will have to get used to having pride without them effectivelly running the club.

I think Liverpool supporters have plenty of pride about their team anyway, even though it is owned by US conglomerate.


Senior Member
Vote of no confidence would be warranted.

Not just because of his blind faith is a terrible coach but also because many of the competent people at this club have left and Laporta has surrounded himself with yes-men who only seem to be interested in filling their pockets and don't care about the club.

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