Joan Laporta


Senior Member
I was trying to type Laporta !, and my keyboard wouldn't allow it.

The only letter allowed to follow is name is W.

Jamrock W as well, I've been telling them for years now, they're some intangibles in leadership than some have and others simply lack.

People said it was the board and all sort of non sense.

I told them the levers was the right thing to do, you can't just give up being competitive and start again whenever you choose.

Time value of money
Opportunity cost
Leadership qualities

Concepts fans need to familiarize themselves with.


Senior Member
At the end of the day, he is getting the job done and bringing Barca back!

He made mistakes, sure, in a very difficult situation.

But the most important thing is that he's a true leader and that has shone through. He made a lot of tough decisions and they are paying off.

People love to judge decisions based on what they would have done, rather than actually getting shit done. That's the same old story in everything. Whether it is people talking about politics in the family gatherings, sports in the bar, clients of yours who has no idea about whatever they are talking about.

It is usually in a hindsight, that people appreciate success/greatness. Either when those became history or when you actually find you have to make a decision about them (voting).

Laporta was called every bad name in the book during his terms, but no one dared to stood against him in 2006, and when he left people claimed he is our greatest ever president. I was the one of those btw, but tbf his first term was in my high school and college years.

If we manage to win big this year, then it is the same tale again. And would only cement his legacy.

One thing people need to realize, Laporta is deeply connected, and he has access to advices and people that knows their shit, more than most candidates would dream off.

People think Perez is some sort of a genius, but whenever he opens his mouth you will realise that he is far from it. He just knows how to put folks in the best position to succeed, and cares above the club above anyone else. Laporta is from the same cloth, without the billions though.

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