Joan Laporta


Staff member
I don't think he was honest in that remark just like he wasn't honest about Lahm. It was just a generic compliment in line with other pep's comments.
What it surely was is a giant burden on Lucho's back which, fortunately, is now shaken off.
It seemed a bit too bold to pass as generic praise, that's the thing.

I bet no one was pleased by it and objectively it was kind of a dick move for all parties involved but damn he got it right... what a smartass :lol:


What issues has he not commented on? Not sure what there is left to use as ammunition.

Maybe you are right but that is a dangerous games and people are making up their minds all the time.

He's going to claim that he got an agreement with Pogba and he will sign him as soon as he gets elected. That trick worked last time when he promised Beckham. Abidal:facepalm:... soon as news got out about Juve not willing to sell Pogba, Abi makes sure everyone knows that he has great relationship with Pogba, as if Juve will give up just because of that.


New member
I had expected a lot more from Laporta, he hasn't convinced me yet during the campaign.

Abidal as the sporting-director seems a populist choice, I would have preferred a sporting director with more experience, not just a Barca legend.

Also, we haven't heard yet from Laporta what's his alternative to Qatar, I would have expected a name of an alternative shirt-sponsor by now. Surely there must be plenty of high-profile sponsors who're willing to pay us the same as Qatar does? Or does he want to put Unicef at the front of our shirt again, and not have any shirt-sponsor? Then where's the 30-60M a year that we get from Qatar going to come from?

Also, what's his alternative to the Espai Barca, haven't heard anything about that topic so far.

What's he going to do with the Grada animacion?

How is he going to rebuild La Masia?

How can we be sure that there won't be shady deals like the Uzbekistan-stuff again in the future?

So far it's been a lot of Bartomeu/Rosell bashing, but very few concrete ideas unfortunately. Hopefully that's going to come in the coming 2 weeks.


New member
Abidal as the sporting-director seems a populist choice, I would have preferred a sporting director with more experience, not just a Barca legend.

That's so populist it's not even populist. It's like watching a bad movie with plot twists you just can't believe.

Same with Qatar / Unicef. He has a gold mine there, but his criticism is so infantile it's hard to take him seriously.

I know politics is a lot about getting across simplistic messages, but Laporta is going too far with his attempts at populism. You have to convince people that there's some content behind, even if there isn't.


New member
Some interesting news about Laporta tonight:

Laia Tudel ‏@laiatudel 28m28 minutes ago
I anunciarà un acord amb un patrocini asiàtic per recuperar UNICEF al pit de la samarreta (3/3)

Laporta podria anunciar un acord amb un 2n jugador que s'hauria ofert a través d'Albertini (2/3)

Laporta assegura que té un acord amb Pogba per venir al Barça i espera un pronunciament públic del jugador i Raiola els pròxims dies. (1/3)


New member
Some interesting news about Laporta tonight:

Laia Tudel ‏@laiatudel 28m28 minutes ago
I anunciarà un acord amb un patrocini asiàtic per recuperar UNICEF al pit de la samarreta (3/3)

Laporta podria anunciar un acord amb un 2n jugador que s'hauria ofert a través d'Albertini (2/3)

Laporta assegura que té un acord amb Pogba per venir al Barça i espera un pronunciament públic del jugador i Raiola els pròxims dies. (1/3)

Whats the meaning of this?
Another player besides Pogba?

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