New member
Don't want cruyff back here, he mouths off a load of shite and most of it is wrong anyway.
His crystal ball prediction of how Messi and Neymar would crash certainly failed spectacularly.

Don't want cruyff back here, he mouths off a load of shite and most of it is wrong anyway.
What issues has he not commented on? Not sure what there is left to use as ammunition.
Maybe you are right but that is a dangerous games and people are making up their minds all the time.
Abidal as the sporting-director seems a populist choice, I would have preferred a sporting director with more experience, not just a Barca legend.
Some interesting news about Laporta tonight:
Laia Tudel @laiatudel 28m28 minutes ago
I anunciarà un acord amb un patrocini asiàtic per recuperar UNICEF al pit de la samarreta (3/3)
Laporta podria anunciar un acord amb un 2n jugador que s'hauria ofert a través d'Albertini (2/3)
Laporta assegura que té un acord amb Pogba per venir al Barça i espera un pronunciament públic del jugador i Raiola els pròxims dies. (1/3)