João Félix


Senior Member
Said this a number of times.. Chelsea felt he had all the ability in the world but was weak mentally during games.. could not tell how he would be one game to the next and one poor touch/pass could knock him off game at any point.

In training with no pressure he was the top dog.. in games.. nowhere near it.

Barca will be seeing same and what he can be if can get head right but just cant find it with any consistency.

Guessing Atleti think of him exactly as Chelsea did given their comments after game he scored against them and way they acted during game.
Even his looks and mannerism tells he's quite feminine boy. Those kind of guys are rarely good fighters even if very talented. Inconsistency will be constant for him. In good mojo he can be world class, but it will change from game to game. Don't think Barca should buy such a hit or miss player. He will probably ene up in second tier team unless miracle happens.


Senior Member
Ronaldo is physical juggernaut though and obsessed with achieving, which is masculine trait. He's more childish than feminine, but yeah, the prone to emo fits is on the spectrum. Joao is just kinda meek. The artistic type, who mostly relies on his talent not determination and hard work.


Senior Member
Even his looks and mannerism tells he's quite feminine boy. Those kind of guys are rarely good fighters even if very talented. Inconsistency will be constant for him. In good mojo he can be world class, but it will change from game to game. Don't think Barca should buy such a hit or miss player. He will probably ene up in second tier team unless miracle happens.
"Feminine?" Like which one of these females do you mean? Magnum? Bullet? Cyborg? Thug? Cold-Blooded? Beast?

Maybe you should look for a more fitting adjective.



Senior Member
Yeah, he's certainly no butch lesbian type. That said, funny you think lesbos are NOT feminine just because they act their cringe tuff womyn act.


Senior Member
Yeah, he's certainly no butch lesbian type. That said, funny you think lesbos are NOT feminine just because they act their cringe tuff womyn act.

You use "feminine" to mean "weak." I'm pointing out that weakness is not a "feminine" trait, except in the eyes of misogynists and chauvinists. I'd say weakness is more often a trait I associate with bigots and bullies.


Professor Balthazar
Thats not the case. It is the opposite of that. He goes into his shell to often when has bad moments.
But he will never become even close to Iniesta, Neymar or Henry - he is simply lacking overall and almost no consistency...


Well-known member
Somehow I'm skeptical about his return. The 7m buy-back clause expires in 2025, he'll be still in Serie B (Samp are just 5 above relegation to Serie C currently), but that's not the worst part.

Worst part is he carries the chronic Barca DNA muscle injury - out for hamstring injury. Has not played since October. Return - unknown. We now have enough infamous cases of ruined careers because of skipped leg-day in the gym. FC Hamstring.

The best thing in his clause atm is Barca's 50% sell-on clause.

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