Jordi Roura


New member
Thanks Jordi Rourafor everything !!!

Thank you Jordi Roura for leading our team when they needed it the most !!! I really do appreciate your work and what you have done for us even when your era as a head coach is over for the moment !!! Even if not everyone was convinced by your way imo you still did a great job.

just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!


New member
Thread: Thanks Jordi Rourafor everything !!! please change the name to: "Thanks Jordi Roura for everything !!!"

dont know how to change a thread name on my own.. sorry


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New member
I'll never get the Roura hate. I bet everyone will be so damn happy if he leaves now. What did he do to deserve such hate? He never did one visibly wrong thing in his job. When he was covering for Tito, it was still Tito calling the shots. Not to mention, he was thrown into the fire and probably wasn't very happy about it, but he did what was asked of him. The same is happening now, only now these games are completely irrelevant. He's doing his job, why criticize him so much?


Wild Man of Borneo
He's not qualified for this job and does a bad job of it too, there's little that he adds to the coaching staff.


New member
For all we know, maybe he's the best assistant a head coach could have. He's not qualified for being a head coach, and that's why he's not one. But when he's filling in for one due to circumstances he's not responsible for, it makes little sense to criticize him for not doing a great job.


To be fair wasn't he brought in as an opponent analyst? It's never good to wish for someone to loose their job.


Wild Man of Borneo
You have a point but my main frustration is that he isn't good at being head coach, and I'm glad that he doesn't have to do it again because he's not qualified for it. Although you're right I did make it sound too much against him personally even though he was just filling in.


Wild Man of Borneo
To be fair wasn't he brought in as an opponent analyst? It's never good to wish for someone to loose their job.

I don't wish that he loses his job, I just wish that he doesn't have the head coach job anymore in the future. As an assistant, I don't mind.


New member
You have a point but my main frustration is that he isn't good at being head coach, and I'm glad that he doesn't have to do it again because he's not qualified for it. Although you're right I did make it sound too much against him personally even though he was just filling in.


Sorry if I sounded too hostile. :lol: I did overreact a bit as well, but your post only reminded me of some previous overreactions against Roura. But you do have a point, hopefully we'll never be in the situation again that someone needs to fill in for the head coach. I agree with that. It just sounded more like personal disliking when you called him a clown. :lol:


I don't wish that he loses his job, I just wish that he doesn't have the head coach job anymore in the future. As an assistant, I don't mind.

Oh the board made sure he won't have to be head coach again. Tata, Jorge Pautasso, and Rubi are all ahead of him in the pecking order.


Cruijff's Heir
I'd like Rubi to stay more than Roura, tbh... No news yet, but this week everything is going to be clear on the old and new staff, right?


Former Vilanova assistants Jordi Roura and Aureli Altimira will become director and assistant director of Barcelona's academy. [md rac1]

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