Jose Manuel Pinto


New member
Nope. Not only American sports. Actually, what would be the answer from every La Liga team fan or player (other than RM or Barca) about winning La Liga, or CdelR, or CL, and whether they'd care if they didn't necessarily win the games "in style", but they just won them and that gave them the title(s). To this, add everybody else who plays this sport, fans and players, from any Italian team, English, German, French, etc. Any of those, what, 150 teams? They (fans and players) all want to win, but they just can't, except for one per year, per competition. The rest, well, they'd give anything to win and the "style" well, style alone won't give anybody titles. Only results do, America, Europe, Asia, you name it. It's a universal wish, to win. Even some very smart coaches have had a slogan: "winning is not's the only thing". The rest is just too "romantic", bland and with a marginally competitive approach. If Barca wins titles playing with style, that is just pure Heaven, but if we find ourselves in emergencies (i.e. RM game, or the games we've tied and/or lost this year) you must switch to "winning is the only thing" and forget the style for that game. We can go back to exhibiting style when we can afford it, because in the end, winning is, really, more important. Once again, ask those millions of fans and thousands of players throughout Europe, Asia, SA. Winning is number one, Style comes after, but very, very few can practice it AND win. Our Barca is one, if not the only one.


Dr. Raed St. Claire

Even the Observer has been corrupted.. :lol:

No, fucking, way...


New member
played with the Name Colorado on his back in memory of his grandfather who passed away last week .. #Respect

but still .. how he made it to be a professinal GK is beyond me ..


Active member
his trolling has deteriorated with age, he still pulls a few off but not like he used to. now it just costs us goals and turn into horrible mistakes


New member
a little part of me wanted him to be sent off so VV plays the rest of the game .. and next week at Camp Nou .. will be a wonder if we manage to win the CdR with him as a GK.
But I don't think I can stand to see him another season with heart couldn't take it.


New member
pinto is a legend, when has he ever single handedly cost barca a game? that's right, never. he cheers his ass off for 90% of the season and you guys bitch when he gets a couple of copa games. get over yourselves.

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