Apparently the RFEF banned Teixeira from reffing RM this season after Mou was waiting him last night..and guess who is going to be the reff for Villareal-Barca?

But hey, if the thing with the ballboys makes us a small team, what does that makes RM? Nothing less than a disgusting team, with a corrupt president and a morally bankrupt coach.
Also today, Eladio Parames(Mourinho's spokesperson) insulted Dani Alves on twitter(he basically called him a monkey) and some other Barca players.
And here is another sample of RM's famous "senorio" from last night:
Before any of the madridistas write an answer for all this, think how would you feel if instead of Mou it would have been Pep and instead of Rui Faria, "Pito" Vilanova.