Whilst the media frenzy may remain, I think Mourinho's lustre as a manager has waned in these early days at madrid. It can be recovered but when he arrived I was worried, now I'm not because I've seen what he's producing on the pitch, and I think that sentiment will be shared by the people that matter at Barca. The fear factor has gone, what remains is a motivation to put the translator in his place and we're more than capable of doing that playing the game our way.
Only idiots buy into the "Jose" media-cultivated myth.
I don't fear Mourinho in the slightest.But sure as hell I fear CR7,Higuain,Ramos,Casillas,Alonso,Oezil,Pepe at al. they have an awesome line-up and more options than we do.
That being said,they do not have Messi,Xavi,Iniesta,Alves. I mean you can spend all the freakin' money in the world,but you cannot find players like these 4.
*Except maybe Cesc.
**And Eto'o.(oh Pep)
***And Maicon(if he is not drunk)