Kylian Mbappé


Active member
Tebas whole agenda in Liga is about decreasing debts of the clubs, that is why he gets voted with no one opposed to him.
That is why he is so hell bent on it, he can't let go the only thing that makes smaller clubs like him.
Same with CVC, he made an offer and told clubs: this is the only way to save you from economic crisis due to pandemic.
When another club tells him no, he is simply threatened.

But now, Liga is losing it's star power, with youngest true star being almost 35.
Those clubs might feel the pain soon, and if it happened it will be his demise.
Probably why he is now mad, he is the guy that during his tenure Liga lost Messi, CR7 & Neymar with no proper replacement.
Fitting that he hates Perez, yet was banking on him getting both Halaand abd Mbappe to save the league

There is always Vinicius. And Real is still competing for big trophies. But everyone else is chasing EPL or Oil money. La Liga is in shambles!


Senior Member
There is always Vinicius. And Real is still competing for big trophies. But everyone else is chasing EPL or Oil money. La Liga is in shambles!

Real wont get runs like this in CL again if play at same level. They have been the poorer team on balance of play in every tie.


Senior Member
Since Mbappe signed:

a) PSG apparently dismissed Mauricio Pochettini
b) and they now negotiate with Zidane
c) Apparently Leonardo is also gone now

make of that what you will.
just saying that the info that Mbappe has power now (while originating from EL Chiringuito, a garbage source) has been backed by Romain Molina, who is very much Tier 1+ in France.


Senior Member
Since Mbapp? signed:

a) PSG apparently dismissed Mauricio Pochettini
b) and they now negotiate with Zidane
c) Apparently Leonardo is also gone now

make of that what you will.

Good moves

Also this

PSG are working on selling Neymar to Barcelona. At the same time, they seek to close the signing of Demb?l? to be the replacement of the Brazilian.

? @Santos_Relevo


Culé de Celestial Empire
Tebas whole agenda in Liga is about decreasing debts of the clubs, that is why he gets voted with no one opposed to him.
That is why he is so hell bent on it, he can't let go the only thing that makes smaller clubs like him.
Same with CVC, he made an offer and told clubs: this is the only way to save you from economic crisis due to pandemic.
When another club tells him no, he is simply threatened.

But now, Liga is losing it's star power, with youngest true star being almost 35.
Those clubs might feel the pain soon, and if it happened it will be his demise.
Probably why he is now mad, he is the guy that during his tenure Liga lost Messi, CR7 & Neymar with no proper replacement.
Fitting that he hates Perez, yet was banking on him getting both Halaand abd Mbappe to save the league

I think Tebas' idea of financial discipline is not wrong and his goal of reducing debt is great and overall I like what they were trying to achieve with the CVC deal, my problem with him is that during these years when clubs are clearly impacted by COVID, he refused to relax it other than the first year.

He is caught between a rock and a hard place. They are doing all they can do to try to lift up La Liga but obviously with other leagues not being subject to the same set of rules and when Europe-wise FFP is not being enforced, La Liga takes a bit. Still a worthy hit in my opinion in the long run, I can only hope the new FFP from UEFA will be more stringently enforced. It might end up hurting us more in the short run, actually but if it actually does its job and curbs the power of the state clubs, it is good.


Senior Member
Since Mbapp? signed:

a) PSG apparently dismissed Mauricio Pochettini
b) and they now negotiate with Zidane
c) Apparently Leonardo is also gone now

make of that what you will.

Those two where on the chopping block since forever. And rightly so, they're bums.

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