I believe his name was Ghost.So where's the guy that said real wouldn't drop a single point for the rest of the season?
I believe his name was Ghost.So where's the guy that said real wouldn't drop a single point for the rest of the season?
Isn't that the case with most teams in most games though? If you're aggressive and organised you can beat almost anyone, espesh in European cups.
Plus was Madrid bad against Atletico in the cup? I don't think so. Struggle came from rotation resulting in two players being switched out of lineup and no offensive fullback providing stretched space on the side. Dropping Jese didn't help either, but he seems to be quite goal reliant when it comes to his form.
Real was gifted the league some time ago by the refs.I think they got 12 or 13 points by ref errors in that season.How much is the tally for this season? If they win this season everyone will say how deserving RM were as they only lost to atletico and barca and no other crap team.They wont take into account the shitload of draws/wins they have been gifted.