walking Messi ist also one of the biggest problems barcelona has.
HE scores in the liga for fun, but his physical level is not Barca material anymore.
I do not understand that not a single one of these muppet players has the balls to tell him to move his fuckn ass
I do not even understand that he doesnt have any shame while walking around and seeing his players like vidal, de jong etc. press in zones which he is responsible for.
Like it is so emberassing to watch and I wonder how of the team mates gets mad at him.
HE scores in the liga for fun, but his physical level is not Barca material anymore.
I do not understand that not a single one of these muppet players has the balls to tell him to move his fuckn ass
I do not even understand that he doesnt have any shame while walking around and seeing his players like vidal, de jong etc. press in zones which he is responsible for.
Like it is so emberassing to watch and I wonder how of the team mates gets mad at him.