Lionel Messi - v7


You're welcome
What Vidal said has possibly little to do with delusions. Pretty likely he knew they would get their @(# handed to them. But if Vidal admitted that Bayern would be too strong, any hope wouldve been lost right there and Bayern would get a huge confidence boost...not that they needed in the end. Lot of athletes will tell you that the match basically starts in the conference room, with the psychological warfare and all.


Senior Member
What Vidal said has possibly little to do with delusions. Pretty likely he knew they would get their @(# handed to them. But if Vidal admitted that Bayern would be too strong, any hope wouldve been lost right there and Bayern would get a huge confidence boost...not that they needed in the end. Lot of athletes will tell you that the match basically starts in the conference room, with the psychological warfare and all.

Vidal said the right thing at that time.
No one is going to say we are hopeless guys, Bayern are far ahead of us.
At the end of the day, whatever you say will be held against you in such defeats, hell even if it was not saying anything at all.


New member
What happens though if the contract mentioned "end of season" just once?

It is highly unlikely it would be written like that. As it was stated during the summer, there was a clear date in his contract but a court could rule in Messi favour if they accounted the spirit of this clause.

What matters here isn't who is right or not but the fact that Messi couldn't be sure to win contrary to what he said. He is just doing good PR which is a good thing for both the club, the fans and himself after the rough summer.


Senior Member
Personally think Messi is a bit full of it on this issue.

Surely if had been telling board all season that he wanted to leave he would have enacted the clause by the date or requested extension to it. Makes no sense to want to leave, ask to leave and then when told no not to make it official.

There is zero chance when Messi is told 'no' they all scratch their heads and just accept it with no clue how to make it official asking to leave.. the fax shows they knew fine well what to do.

The excuse about not wanting to disrupt team doesnt stand up either as was asking to leave either way if that is his version.

Spat the dummy when Suarez punted and still rates him as a top player and would most likely have supported that 4 year extension he was after in my opinion.

The interview other day comes across as he is definitely leaving at end of season as well. Fair play to him has earned to go wherever he wants.
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Senior Member
Could also be astronomical levels of naivety. If he genuinely had conversations all year saying he wanted to leave and believed the word of Bartomeu was really worth anything then it's on him and his team not making things official.

Suarez leaving for Atletico is one of the dumbest transfers in history. Sure he doesn't make them a lot stronger and his time here was up, but if there's one team in world football his significant decline could be masked by it's Atletico. His roughing up of cb's, making a scene for the referee, inability to link up play well but then score a goal out of nowhere is just what Atletico want. Messi still rating him shouldn't be anyone's concern, everyone knows they are best mates, the world is watching the interview, only an arsehole would sit there and slag off their best friend. Plus Suarez still had plenty of goals last year and has scored enough this year to warrant being rated.


Senior Member
Could also be astronomical levels of naivety. If he genuinely had conversations all year saying he wanted to leave and believed the word of Bartomeu was really worth anything then it's on him and his team not making things official.

Suarez leaving for Atletico is one of the dumbest transfers in history. Sure he doesn't make them a lot stronger and his time here was up, but if there's one team in world football his significant decline could be masked by it's Atletico. His roughing up of cb's, making a scene for the referee, inability to link up play well but then score a goal out of nowhere is just what Atletico want. Messi still rating him shouldn't be anyone's concern, everyone knows they are best mates, the world is watching the interview, only an arsehole would sit there and slag off their best friend. Plus Suarez still had plenty of goals last year and has scored enough this year to warrant being rated.

Dont believe they would be that naive or trust the word of anyone over a contract.

Suarez had to go. The dumb part was him being on such a high contract and levels he was showing. Dont really care he went to Atletico just glad he left.

Messi rating him and still wanting him at club shows exactly why changes needed to be made and some of the decisions he doesnt agree with.

Not sure who has ever suggested he should/would 'slag him off'. Strange comment.
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Senior Member
Strange comment.

Man it's funny you read into a situation like an interview and assume things about the words spoken but then hold people to the absolute truth in what has or hasn't been said on here. The Atletico part is relevant because didn't Messi say he didn't understand why he was going to a direct rival. That offers context to him backing Suarez which is important.

The 'slag him off' comment, you're more than aware what I mean by it. He's asked a question about Suarez (his best friend who is currently one of the top scorers in la liga for the team in first), I'm saying based on those things why would he do anything other than back him as a top player? Is he expected to slag him off? Another case of you trying to get little victories by dissecting posts as opposed to the actual discussion.


Senior Member
Man it's funny you read into a situation like an interview and assume things about the words spoken but then hold people to the absolute truth in what has or hasn't been said on here. The Atletico part is relevant because didn't Messi say he didn't understand why he was going to a direct rival. That offers context to him backing Suarez which is important.

The 'slag him off' comment, you're more than aware what I mean by it. He's asked a question about Suarez (his best friend who is currently one of the top scorers in la liga for the team in first), I'm saying based on those things why would he do anything other than back him as a top player? Is he expected to slag him off? Another case of you trying to get little victories by dissecting posts as opposed to the actual discussion.

I agree Messi didnt understand him going to Atletico... where has that been disputed? Not even sure what point you are making.

No I would not expect him to slag off Suarez at all even if didnt rate him as highly as appears to.

Again not sure what point is unless making up something to then argue against.


Senior Member
I agree Messi didnt understand him going to Atletico... where has that been disputed? Not even sure what point you are making.

No I would not expect him to slag off Suarez at all even if didnt rate him as highly as appears to.

Again not sure what point is unless making up something to then argue against.

"Spat the dummy when Suarez punted and still rates him as a top player"

So you agree Messi didn't understand him going to Atletico but also describe the events as him spitting his dummy out. That to me shows someone having good reason to be annoyed (which you agree with?) so describing it as spitting out a dummy doesn't really fit. Seems like an unnecessary criticism.

Then the part of that statement where you say "and STILL rates him as a top player." Suggesting that Messi shouldn't rate him as a top player, so therefore suggesting something different should have been said. If not then why bring it up? It's the fact you are picking up on these parts of the interview that is strange to me.


Senior Member
"Spat the dummy when Suarez punted and still rates him as a top player"

So you agree Messi didn't understand him going to Atletico but also describe the events as him spitting his dummy out. That to me shows someone having good reason to be annoyed (which you agree with?) so describing it as spitting out a dummy doesn't really fit. Seems like an unnecessary criticism.

Then the part of that statement where you say "and STILL rates him as a top player." Suggesting that Messi shouldn't rate him as a top player, so therefore suggesting something different should have been said. If not then why bring it up? It's the fact you are picking up on these parts of the interview that is strange to me.

Yip I said that is my opinion on him spitting dummy with Suarez as top player. Indeed I did.

Would be difficult to spit dummy out if agreed with it wouldnt it?

Once again.... yes I believe Messi thought it was a bad decision to let Suarez go and to Atletico we are in 100% agrement on that.

Yes I think Messi still rates him as a top player when he isnt. Do we need to keep having all these confirmed each time?

Where have I quoted the interview on Suarez opinion? Making things up to argue against again?


Senior Member
Yip I said that is my opinion on him spitting dummy with Suarez as top player. Indeed I did.

Would be difficult to spit dummy out if agreed with it wouldnt it?

Once again.... yes I believe Messi thought it was a bad decision to let Suarez go and to Atletico we are in 100% agrement on that.

Yes I think Messi still rates him as a top player when he isnt. Do we need to keep having all these confirmed each time?

Where have I quoted the interview on Suarez opinion? Making things up to argue against again?

You're just not understanding what I'm saying and then ignoring parts to focus on possible things you can sidetrack on to make it seem like I'm building a strawman. give up with you today.


Senior Member
You're just not understanding what I'm saying and then ignoring parts to focus on possible things you can sidetrack on to make it seem like I'm building a strawman. give up with you today.

You are getting me to repeat and agree with what I have said and then making up shit about pulling things from interview about Suarez.

Good you give up. Would just be more of me agreeing with you repeating back what I had said.


Well-known member
The leaving for Inter Miami with Suarez in 2022 seems plausible. He could join after that winter world cup, take 2 months off and start a new MLS season.
Then he would be 35 by the time he leaves Barca and could easily destroy MLS for 3 more years.

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