Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
TyC, la cadena que ha adelantado la informaci?n del burofax de Lionel Messi al Bar?a pidiendo irse, afirma ahora que JM Bartomeu ha decidido presentar la dimisi?n tras su reuni?n con su Junta. Que cosas. La informaci?n del Bar?a llega v?a Argentina.


Well-known member
You keep preaching to the choir. Who on this forum thinks the board has done a good job? They should've been sacked after Anfield, along with valverde.

Regardless, the best decision now is for the board to stay and to stick with giving Koeman full authority for the next 6 months


Senior Member
Moments ago on the same whatsapp group

Luis: Holly shit bro, you weren't messing around. These fuckers are shitting themselves man. Where did you learn moves like that?
Leo: I Ching, Sun Tzu brother, with some Frank Underwood thrown in. Deep tactical stuff, messing with their heads. Messing... you feel me? They even invented a word for me.
Luis: Lol. Straight up bro, you have them lined up like at the puppet theater.
Leo: Where is Jordi? Is he bailing out on us? He's our inside man. Only real Amigo in deep undercover.
Luis: Just texted me. His wife is forcing him to watch 13 Reasons Why on Netflix with her. New season. Pussy...
Leo: Yep, that's Jordi, remember when we watched Hachiko: A Dog's Tale and he cried for half the movie? Used two full boxes of paper tissues.
Luis: Of course, who can forget. Masche was confused why he was crying, thought he had some problem with his eyes lol. Oh, the best memories. Tell me, how can we allow a piece of shit like Koeman destroy what we have?

Neymar is now online.
Neymar: Whaassup bitchees. I hear Angel is saying you might be coming here, to Paris. Don't come man, they're fucking losers, trust me. Most of them are better at online poker than football. Stay in Barcelona, clean up that place because I'm coming back. MSN back baby, like in the old days, remember?
Luis: MSN my ass Ney, they wanna trade me to Ajax. Can you believe that?
Neymar: Haha, Ajax? Fuck man, not even Lyon or something. Leo, are you gonna let this happen? We can't lose him. El motherfucking Gordito Suarez. Only one like him in all Europe.
Leo: Of course not. I have a major coupe going on. I wanna get rid of that Koeman chap, the guy thinks he is Guardiola.
Neymar: Yea, I know how it's like, Tuchel was the same. Had big plans, until I sat down with him and told him straight up. Here, I take all the pens and the free kicks unless I wanna be generous. Then they go in alphabetical order. Ander, Angel and so on. Got it?
Luis: And?
Neymar: He didn't like it, He gave me that weird dead look of his, but I gave him no choice. If they smell you are weak, next thing you know the manager will decide even where you will play.
Luis: That's what I'm talking about, is it too much to ask? But with this Koeman dude, it's like talking to a brick wall.
Leo: Exactly, when I walked with him, he didn't even bring me a cup of coffee, or a can of cold sprite. Motherfucker started going all out on me, deciding who goes and who stays. He even had a sheet of paper with a green pen and a red pen. He wrote some players with red, and some with green. What do you know... most of my friends were in red.
Neymar: Guy clearly doesn't have his priorities straight.
Leo: That's what I said. I told him our boy Luis is not to be moved. And what does he do? 2 days later, he tells him he's not in his plans.
Neymar: Get the fuck out, I don't believe it... :lol: Man, I would lose it.
Leo: No shit... I fucking lost it too.
Luis: Listen, talk later, the courier is at the door, my order from KFC just arrived. Spicy wings and garlic sauce, just how I like them.
Neymar: OK. Catch up later. Save me a spot Leo. Just remembered when that fan threw us that McDonalds menu at the treble celebration parade... Oh memories, save me a spot, but without haters.
Leo: Will do, right after I clean up a bit. This club is a mess.


Well-known member
Moments ago on the same whatsapp group

Luis: Holly shit bro, you weren't messing around. These fuckers are shitting themselves man. Where did you learn moves like that?
Leo: I Ching, Sun Tzu brother, with some Frank Underwood thrown in. Deep tactical stuff, messing with their heads. Messing... you feel me? They even invented a word for me.
Luis: Lol. Straight up bro, you have them lined up like at the puppet theater.
Leo: Where is Jordi? Is he bailing out on us? He's our inside man. Only real Amigo in deep undercover.
Luis: Just texted me. His wife is forcing him to watch 13 Reasons Why on Netflix with her. New season. Pussy...
Leo: Yep, that's Jordi, remember when we watched Hachiko: A Dog's Tale and he cried for half the movie? Used two full boxes of paper tissues.
Luis: Of course, who can forget. Masche was confused why he was crying, thought he had some problem with his eyes lol. Oh, the best memories. Tell me, how can we allow a piece of shit like Koeman destroy this bond.

Neymar is now online.
Neymar: Whaassup bitchees. I hear Angel is saying you might be coming here, to Paris. Don't come man, they're fucking losers, trust me. Most of them are better at online poker than football. Stay in Barcelona, clean up that place because I'm coming back. MSN back baby, like in the old days, remember?
Luis: MSN my ass Ney, they wanna trade me to Ajax. Can you believe that?
Neymar: Haha, Ajax? Fuck man, not even Lyon or something. Leo, are you gonna let this happen? We can't lose him. El motherfucking Gordito Suarez. Only one like him all all Europe.
Leo: Of course not. I have a major coupe going on. I wanna get rid of that Koeman chap, the guy thinks he is Guardiola.
Neymar: Yea, I know how it's like, Tuchel was the same. Had big plans, until I sat down with him and told him straight up. Here, I take all the pens and the free kicks unless I wanna be generous. Then they go in alphabetical order. Ander, Angel and so on. Got it?
Luis: And?
Neymar: He didn't like it, He gave me that weird dead look of his, but I gave him no choice. If they smell you are weak, next thing you know the manager will decide even where you will play.
Luis: That's what I'm talking about, is it too much to ask? But with this Koeman dude, it's like talking to a brick wall.
Leo: Exactly, when I walked with him, he didn't even bring me a cup of coffee, or a can of cold sprite. Motherfucker started going all out on me, deciding who goes and who stays. He even had a sheet of paper with a green pen and a red pen. He wrote some players with red, and some with green. What do you know... most of my friends were in red.
Neymar: Guy clearly doesn't have his priorities straight.
Leo: That's what I said. I told him our boy Luis is not to be moved. And what does he do? 2 days later, he tells him he's not in his plans.
Neymar: Get the fuck out, I don't believe it... :lol: Man, I would lose it.
Leo: No shit... I fucking lost it too.
Luis: Listen, talk later, the courier is at the door, my order from KFC just arrived. Spicy wings and garlic sauce, just how I like them.
Neymar: OK. Catch up later. Save me a spot Leo. Just remembered when that fan threw us that McDonalds menu at the treble celebration parade... Oh memories, save me a spot, but without haters.
Leo: Will do, right after I clean up a bit. This club is a mess.

WTF serghei on fire :lol::lol:


Culé de Celestial Empire
So Bartomeu leaves.... then what? What can possibly happen now that he's gone? What is a new board going to do about all that debt and players who are on big salaries coming to the end of their career?

A new board will likely try to placate Messi and make him happy, which means the amigos will stay and will continue to have a central role in the squad next season.

Nobody will be able to resolve the debt issue any time soon. I am just hoping they will not be short-sighted to cancel the Espai Barca project (delaying it is OK). At this critical time, I think it is more important for us fans to do more to contribute (buy official licensed merchandise, sign up for Barca TV+ etc.) to help the club.


Senior Member
👥 They?re now hanging banners outside the Camp Nou against the management. @DavidIbanez5 #FCB 🚨

LMFAO the protesters are going ballistic

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