Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
If the board doesn't get on his bad side everything will be fine. He only started to complain and threaten to leave after Valverde was sacked and now some of his friends in the team are on the way out.

Too bad he turned into a trouble maker and is dragging the team down from rebuilding. Hoped for more from him, but I guess not all great players are very wise or great leaders.

One thing's for sure, this one won't become a top manager. :lol: Better stay away from a career in coaching.

Fantasy boy coming with utter bullshit to explain a club failure !!

Can't wait for him to leave ? good then we will back to what we use to be before .... local cups farmers


Active member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Marcelo Bechler - ?Messi may continue at Barcelona?.</p>? total Bar?a (@totalBarca) <a href="">August 27, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

he's staying! put serghei and George_Constanza on suicide watch :lol:

Put me on suicide watch? why? I'm a big fan of Messi but not fan of his amigos.


Senior Member
Bartomeu should stay the fuck out of this. He's just making things worse and worse. Be glad when he's officially out of here.


Senior Member
So does anyone actually know what's happening or is this all still pure speculation.
Look forward to hearing from Messi.

He was always the silent guy letting all the garbage the press say about him and some sociopaths.

If he's out i think we are going to hear some ugly shit that was going on the club for the last decade


New member
So does anyone actually know what's happening or is this all still pure speculation.
Look forward to hearing from Messi.

Only the closest people to Messi will know what's really going on. I do believe he really wants out, too much is happening for a power play. Whether he actually leaves is a different matter.


He was always the silent guy letting all the garbage the press say about him and some sociopaths.

If he's out i think we are going to hear some ugly shit that was going on the club for the last decade

Lol don't need to hear it we know what's been going on, on a sporting level anyway. Just want to see what his reasoning is.


Only the closest people to Messi will know what's really going on. I do believe he really wants out, too much is happening for a power play. Whether he actually leaves is a different matter.

I think too highly of Messi to accept it's a power play. Agree think he genuinely wanted out for reasons...

If it is a power play I will lose so much respect as will most of the world except the most delusional fan boys.


Senior Member
He was always the silent guy letting all the garbage the press say about him and some sociopaths.

If he's out i think we are going to hear some ugly shit that was going on the club for the last decade

Messi is not ?always the silent guy? and has always thrown his weight around when he felt needed.

It will be good for him and club to part ways of that is only alternative to another season of Suarez and amigos.

Sport suggesting Barca were offering Suarez an extension is more terrifying than Messi leaving.


Put me on suicide watch? why? I'm a big fan of Messi but not fan of his amigos.

There is a full interview in the thread, watch it. The tweet take it out of context.

The message is Messi DID not want to move before because of his children. But now he is ready. Kun is there, England is a great city blah blah blah.


New member
Messi is basically pissed the club not only didn't bring back his friend, Neymar, but also wants to kick out his other friend, Suarez. Everything else is probably smokescreen.

Bruh what was the food like, when you sat next to them for dinner and heard all this go down? :)


New member
I'm as big Messi fan as anyone, but at this point at Suarez i'd draw a red line. If that's his requirement for staying, then good luck to both.


I'm still sure it's a power play from Messi in order to keep Suarez in the club. They are best friends and want to stay together no matter what. Remember that Messi informed the club of his intention soon after Koemander talked to Suarez and told him he's not needed anymore.
That's why Goal wrote that Messi's fate is connected to Suarez's fate. If Suarez is gone, so is Messi. And if Suarez stays, Messi stays too. I think the board will do whatever it takes to keep Suarez at the club, even if that means he will come off the bench just in order to please Messi.

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