Lionel Messi - v7


New member
Imagine your captain and the best and most loved player in your team act this way. Brilliant footballer, no doubt, but he is truly losing it in the last couple of years.


Active member
Imagine your captain and the best and most loved player in your team act this way. Brilliant footballer, no doubt, but he is truly losing it in the last couple of years.

A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.



New member
very disappointed. Hopefully, his situation is sorted soon so we can start our season peacefully. Either pay up the 700m or come back and leave next season. Again very disappointed, as if his legs-dragging was not enough!


Well-known member
very disappointed. Hopefully, his situation is sorted soon so we can start our season peacefully. Either pay up the 700m or come back and leave next season. Again very disappointed, as if his legs-dragging was not enough!

If he stays, Koeman should take away his captaincy as symbol that his special privileges are over. The team comes first.


Senior Member
To cause all this drama and drag the club through the mud like this only to end up staying in the end would be disappointing.

He has to go at this point. No need for players that don't want to be here.


Senior Member
So as most suspected this is a power play to get Suarez to stay...

If Messi can’t handle life without Suarez they can both leave.

The rebuild has to happen sooner or later. Might as well kick it off this season.


New member
always, Barca first. However, I do not agree with taking away his captiancy. He is certainly not a captain, never was and never will be, but taking it will not address anything. Right now, we need to make sure that we treat him professionally not as a legend. Wants to leave? pay up (and try to include KDB in the deal) or come back and leave next season. He cannot just get away with what he is doing.


Senior Member
Ditto. Fuck, London is just about livable but Manchester is terrible. No sun, no culture, lots of rain. Food fucking sucks. I was born in England and hate it. That's why I moved to Australia.

Nah Manchester does have culture espcially in rock n roll/britpop, and it rose to prominesnce in the 90's with success of Man United and Oasis. Many bands that are popular in England like the Smiths,Oasis, Stone Roses come from Manchester.

Maybe it doesn't have the appeal to some people that aren't from England or Europe, but if you're gonna live in an English city, Manchester definitely has more culture than a lot of others that are just plain drab.


Senior Member
Ditto. Fuck, London is just about livable but Manchester is terrible. No sun, no culture, lots of rain. Food fucking sucks. I was born in England and hate it. That's why I moved to Australia.

Then again, is huge forest fires every year because it basically never rains really that preferable?
Australia may be a lovely place otherwise, but since you brought up the weather.

Andrew M

New member
Nah Manchester does have culture espcially in rock n roll/britpop, and it rose to prominesnce in the 90's with success of Man United and Oasis. Many bands that are popular in England like the Smiths,Oasis, Stone Roses come from Manchester.

Maybe it doesn't have the appeal to some people that aren't from England or Europe, but if you're gonna live in an English city, Manchester definitely has more culture than a lot of others that are just plain drab.

Don't forget Joy Division.


Well, Messi doesn't exactly strike me as the kind of person who's very culturally active. Doesn't he mostly stay home with his family? The only thing his wealth can't change is the weather...

Besides, Messi would be in Manchester for only like 4 years MAX. It's not like he'd me moving there permanently.

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