Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member

Live look at BBZ and Messigician after EV was sacked.

They called it, folks.


Senior Member
We have seen a player-manager situation Before..

Hell we have seen a coach coaching 2 teams at the Same time lol (hiddink)

Time for a president player now (messi) after the coup:lol:
Why not all three? President, coach AND player. Which seems to be variant that he subconsciously wants, because "ho no, you will not sub me or tell what to do, k". :lol:


New member
My stance has been same whole way through and before he announced was leaving.

What is fucking nonsensical is thinking Messi believes Suarez is part of the problem with Barca on the footballing side.

Amigos have had far too much influence and has player part in weak board arriving where are now.

Stop making shit up about tabloids when you don?t know what you are speaking about.
Amigos...amigos...amigos...messi loves to lose...stop talking about president buying of tabloids to shit on our own players, its not so bad...amigos are at fault for our tranfer policies...amigos are at fault for valverde and hated him getting fired BUT amigos are ones who wanted sentien...amigos hate koeman who is absolute legend as far as coaches go and wants to rebuild squad and fuck amigos up and buy bunch of great players with 0$ our board amigos are at fault again...amigos...messi ruined us
..amigos held barto at gun point...bla bla


Senior Member
Doubt it.
Griezmann will get a role, and you`ll have some more workrate in the team, but then you lose a cheat code who will win you basically every home game were you are struggling, and a few ones away too.

Who knows. I honestly expect us to challenge Madrid either way. They are hardly fearsome and have no intention of improving the team this window.


Senior Member
Amigos reportedly did not want Pocchetino as manager (along with a section of the board).

Their influence is clear as day.

Amigos pull is clear. Bartomeu incompetence is clear. The worst is we have to pick sides between both right now while both should go (minus Messi, but he is suffering PTSD right now and questionable judgement).


New member
[🗣️ ? Jordi Mestre: "In 2016, Messi wanted to leave. We intervened and we changed his mind. I hope the same thing happens again."

Pretty sure someone said it's because of Suarez and some midtable manager want him to run


VeroBrunati retweeted Alexandre Dumas's quote about women importance. I wonder if Antonella will play an important part in this. Maybe this is what Messi will say in his public statement.
Brunati also deleted the tweet about Messi's agreement with City. I think it is more and more likely that Messi will stay. He will put Barto down and stay. Like some of us thought, it was a power game to force Barto to resign.


Senior Member
According to SPORT City offerrd Bernardo Silva + Gabriel Jesus + Eric Garcia +100 m. And Barca didn't accept the offer.

Lol. This is Barto saying "this is what I want City, this is what I want gawd dammit! Just make Messi publicly say he wants to leave first and we got a deal".
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I just want the decision to be made either way, would prefer he leaves at this point then the status quo remaining as is.
I'm all honesty 2 much shit has happened for him to stay.

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