Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
A lot of troll duplicant accounts lately here just to bash messi.

Anyway, of course La Liga will side with barca, Tebas must be shaking at the thought of the league losing Messi.

I bet if Messi cant leave by transfer window end he will say fuck it and retire and that will do real damage to both barca and the league, reputation wise.

Fake retirement 2.0?


Senior Member
If Messi wanted to leave on a free to sign for Newells or Beckhams Miami, I would say let him, he gave enough to Barca, hes earned it. But he wants to leave for free and sign for City, that in my eyes is a prick move, and Barca should not budge, keep him and let him leave next year where ever he wants when his contract runs out. If he sulks and skips training, fine him and bench his ass, he is not bigger than Barca.


Senior Member
FC Barcelona believe Leo Messi will sign for Manchester City and are now willing to accept a transfer fee of ?280m. [Mirror Football]

Now we are talking


Senior Member
Entire point of clause is to be there after season ends. Could very easily turn to court interpeting this as "spirit of law" as COVID19 threw world in spin and resulted in August being the end of season.

Our reasoning was clear, thats why most look at Barca as cluprit here. Give legend a door to leave for free in his last year of contract after season ends. Since season ended in August we should honor it, but we are not because Barto never expected he would go anyway, as he said in the video.

He wants to go out, he is in twilight of his career and barca needs complete rebuild. He has 33 and 9 months on his contract, as well as written guarantee we will let him go for free at the end of season (that is 30th of June).

We did not honor it. Worst of all, Barto doesnt even entertain negotiating at all so its us being 2x as shitty.

Basically we are telling him : "Exact date was 30th of June and you HAVE to stay for another year. We wont negotiate on this".

Messi is saying : "30th was there because 30th is after the end of the season, which duo to COVID was August, therefore I have right to excercise it now".

This will go to court, and if I am judge I would rule in Messi favor. Not because I hate rat, but because everyone is clearly aware of what COVID did to world, and football obvioisly, but also becuase its clear that spirit of law makes much more sense then literal letter of law in such situation where entire world stopped for 3 months.


If anything, this is making Bartomeu look way worse. And polls suggest that the majority of Barcelona fans want Messi to leave on peaceful terms. Bartomeu isn't allowing that.

Messi has basically been here all his whole life. He's given everything, won us a lot of trophies. He's also generated a lot of money for the club. He's earned the right to leave the club.... whether that's on a free or for a negotiated fee.


Senior Member
FC Barcelona believe Leo Messi will sign for Manchester City and are now willing to accept a transfer fee of ?280m. [Mirror Football]

Now we are talking

Stop quoting crap articles. We are not getting anywhere close to 280m for a 33-year-old, who only has "9 months" left on his contract. We'll be lucky to get 120m for him. That 700m buyout clause doesn't mean jack shit, especially when he only has 9 months left on his contract. lol


I haven't commented anything about this but I just want to say one thing.

What a complete mess this has all been... ridicilous.


Senior Member
If Messi wanted to leave on a free to sign for Newells or Beckhams Miami, I would say let him, he gave enough to Barca, hes earned it. But he wants to leave for free and sign for City, that in my eyes is a prick move, and Barca should not budge, keep him and let him leave next year where ever he wants when his contract runs out. If he sulks and skips training, fine him and bench his ass, he is not bigger than Barca.

If signing for free to City was the first option, then yes that is a prick move.

However, if he wants the club to negotiate a fee first and the club doesn't/can't negotiate a fee, then in my eyes he's done what he can and can leave for free since he can leave for free next summer anyways.
Fans like you disgust me. Well, shouldn?t even be called fans, let?s be honest here. Every reliable source is reporting the opposite of what you just said. People need to stop making up shit in here. Get a life and have some respect for the people that made this club what it is.

I support FC Barcelona not FC Lionel Messi. FC Barcelona is far far bigger than Lionel Messi ever will be. Messi did not make Barcelona and him leaving will not destroy it. It was FC Barcelona who made Messi what he was. That's why he has always been a shadow of the player on the international stage.

The fact is that Iniesta or Xavi would have never acted like this. :(

Because they respected the club and it's supporters. Messi's main interest is his bank balance.


Senior Member
If Messi wanted to leave on a free to sign for Newells or Beckhams Miami, I would say let him, he gave enough to Barca, hes earned it. But he wants to leave for free and sign for City, that in my eyes is a prick move, and Barca should not budge, keep him and let him leave next year where ever he wants when his contract runs out. If he sulks and skips training, fine him and bench his ass, he is not bigger than Barca.

This is the point and intention of the clause. A goodwill clause to move for free at the end of career to a non competing club. It's been mentioned as such since 2017/2018.

This part keeps getting ignored.


Senior Member
Calling it right now.

Messi to stay , score +13 goals and beat Pelle's record and then move in the winter transfer window to City.


Senior Member
Both Chelsea and Man Utd have won in recent years but i wouldn't say that the Prem has been dominant in the Europa competition. The same can be said about the CL. Liverpool did win in 2018 but prior to that a Prem team didn't win in 6 years.

Even with access to better resources, Prem teams historically struggle in Europe, despite the sporadic wins here and there by Pool, Chelsea etc. It's weird when you really think about it. Maybe it is because of the technical naivety. I think that trend will continue. What i agree with is that La liga will find it harder and harder to acquire the very top players. We'll see how things go.

Pool does not historically "struggle" in Europe, they are joint 3rd with Bayern.
Yes, 6 out of God how many years the tournament has been there, but that goes to show teams dont win it often, it is very difficult to win, only a select few teams expect to win it every other year.


New member
People saying Bartomeu should start negotiations, negotiate what exactly? There were no formal offers from any club and Messi wants to leave for free relying on an expired clause. Messi and his new club are the ones who should start negotiations not Barca.

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