Luis Suárez


Well-known member
They are grown men being told by phone call is no huge disrespect unless full of own self importance.

Club should not be flying round Europe or waiting until players get back for players like Suarez.

Be ruthless and get him out as soon as possible in current situation is what was needed.
With that kind of attitude we might as well change the slogan to menys que un club.


Well-known member
Has absolutely nothing to do with slogan and grown men can take decision by phone call.

By fax is worse but couldn?t care less as message is what matters.

I disagree, Barca shouldnt be like that nor threat players like that.
You see what it leads to as well. A more respectfull approach might yield better results.
The Donald trump type your fired approach can easily backfire since this isnt moneyball.
Cruyff be spinning in his grave if he could see how low we stooped.


Active member
They should have sent Bob Sugar to do the dirty job.

Bob Sugar : I came here to fire you... it's real, you should say something.



Senior Member
I disagree, Barca shouldnt be like that nor threat players like that.
You see what it leads to as well. A more respectfull approach might yield better results.
The Donald trump type your fired approach can easily backfire since this isnt moneyball.
Cruyff be spinning in his grave if he could see how low we stooped.

Threat players?

Folk pishing themselves over a phone call being ultimate disrespect.


Senior Member
@Khaled, I will address your post later.

Regarding Suarez (and Vidal) they should be relatively easy to replace sporting wise. All we need to do is fill there non EU spots so they can not be registered for our squad.


Senior Member
Marcelo Belcher: Juventus are interested in signing Suarez

For once this cat Bechler delivers us good news.



Well-known member
Has absolutely nothing to do with slogan and grown men can take decision by phone call.

By fax is worse but couldn?t care less as message is what matters.

Smoke signals? 3 puffs means Danger :stoner:

I agree on skipping ceremonies and salamalecs specially in dire times when need to expedite things but in this case, it was counter-effective because all the call achieved was to put Betty Sue on the defensive instead of having him cooperate. They can't fire him due to his contract. I'm sure there could've been a smarter approach if the end goal is getting him out asap.


Senior Member
is this guy staying in the end? What a farce.

If he stays, then we must fill up all the EU spots at all costs. Otherwise the pressure and toxicity will be too much to make Suarez play atleast 60% of the games and get that ridiculous extension.

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