Luis Suárez


New member
So apparently he only agrees to terminate his contract if Barca pay him the full salary.

Well played.

If that is true then keep him and put him in the stands for the season. If he does not show up for training or matches, fine him.
The club cant be pushed around by the players.


Senior Member
How many chances this morbidly obese barrel has created for Messi?

How to create a chance for Messi when he is somewhere at a pivot-Cm position, sulking&walking since we are 0:1 down and he gave up after 8 minutes of a match?

If we'll shit on Suarez, we should do the same with Messi.

Suarez is just a human, Messi is a Goat, yet his numbers in CL KO matches in the last 5 years are abysmal.
Paired with a fact that he has never scored a goal in KO matches for Argentina in his life, iirc.

It's always someone else's fault, right?


Active member
The club are the ones that give them the ridiculous contracts with all kinds of bonuses , now they are moaning about them demanding the lot when they try to get them out. They only have themselves to blame , you reap what you sow.


New member
Although it'd be worth 12 mill to get this cunt out of the club, fuck paying him that and then allowing him to get a huge signing on fee and wage at a new club as a free agent.

Pay him his weekly salary next season and make him train on his own every day. Fine him a weeks wages for every day he doesn't show up. Keep him away from the squad, particularly on matchdays.


Active member
Why are People mad at Suarez? Barcelona gave him the contract and he doesn't want to leave

If u bench him he gladly takes 25Million and enjoying Catalan Sun


Senior Member
Why are People mad at Suarez? Barcelona gave him the contract and he doesn't want to leave

If u bench him he gladly takes 25Million and enjoying Catalan Sun

most of them probably never had a job in their life(maybe too young). that's what contracts are for, to give the player and the club some predictability.


Senior Member
He won?t want to give up a year of career at this stage if can make same money and play at another team.

No one will give them similar wages.
Other clubs are probably willing to pay only 50% of what Barca is giving to them.

This is why Suarez, Rakitic and friends can't leave.

Barto gave them contracts as they were Ballon D Or winners.

Nobody sane will give them even 30-50% of that.


Senior Member
No one will give them similar wages.
Other clubs are probably willing to pay only 50% of what Barca is giving to them.

This is why Suarez, Rakitic and friends can't leave.

Barto gave them contracts as they were Ballon D Or winners.

Nobody sane will give them even 30-50% of that.

Don?t agree but even then the point remains if clubs are willing to pay them 50%.


New member
How to create a chance for Messi when he is somewhere at a pivot-Cm position, sulking&walking since we are 0:1 down and he gave up after 8 minutes of a match?

If we'll shit on Suarez, we should do the same with Messi.

Suarez is just a human, Messi is a Goat, yet his numbers in CL KO matches in the last 5 years are abysmal.
Paired with a fact that he has never scored a goal in KO matches for Argentina in his life, iirc.

It's always someone else's fault, right?

When you want someone who is the best passer ever, best playmaker, best dribbler, to also score the most goals, oh wait, on top of that he DOES score the most goals, he literally has the best goal conversion ratio and its also from an insane range, but here we have BBTroll writing walls trying to discredit him, he can walk as much as he wants with the ability he has, he is still covering at least 7km per match, we should be capable to cover few km for him to get him the ball, lame excuse.


Well-known member
Just build a new team without him and keep him as an impact sub making sure he won't play 60% of games or whatever extends his contract automatically for 2 more years.

If his behavior towards youth players doesn't change (shouting at young players for making mistakes, not passing to him), give him the Arda-treatment.


New member
He won?t want to give up a year of career at this stage if can make same money and play at another team.

Copa America next summer as well. He can't play in that if he hasn't played football for 12 months.

Leave him in the stands. He'll agree to rip his contract up if not by October then by January.

Suarez might be a twat but one thing he loves doing is playing football. He's not like Bale.


Senior Member
When you want someone who is the best passer ever, best playmaker, best dribbler, to also score the most goals, oh wait, on top of that he DOES score the most goals, he literally has the best goal conversion ratio and its also from an insane range, but here we have BBTroll writing walls trying to discredit him, he can walk as much as he wants with the ability he has, he is still covering at least 7km per match, we should be capable to cover few km for him to get him the ball, lame excuse.

Look, you have to be aware that everything Barca's is overrated by our fans.

Messi is better than Cr7.
Xaviniesta are better than Zidane
Pep's era is better than 4 out of 5 by RM
Pep is better than Zidane

In that sense, once when Messi will be gone and especially if he'll leave with a bitter taste, views on him will be more realistic.

His career till 2013 was out of this world.
After that it is downhill and somewhat underachieving based on his potential.
And no, it is not because of bad teammates.

In the last 5 years, he was mostly statpadding against Mickey Mouse La liga opponents (who are worst ever) and scoring from lots of penaldos and free kicks.

In CL ko matches, probably not even in top10 in the last 5 years.

Which kind of Goat is that who scored zero KO goals for Argentina in his life (iirc) and 1 away KO goal in 5 years for the most expensive team on the planet.

His last few years were underwhelming.

At the end, his only Goat skills were in killing weak La liga teams.
After 2012, he almost lost magic powers on the international level, except in 2015, paired with the most expensive attacking trio in a history.

You'll see in upcoming years how overhyping will cool down.
Especially if Messi will be average at City, which is the most likely scenario based on his age, pace, stamina, mental strength, EPL defenders and media/fans who will be hostile towards him.
And you have learned by now what he does when things are not safe and perfect: he puts his head down, touches his beard, walk and sulk.

Sorry for rant, but I am tired of alibies and excuses how everything about Barca is always the best.

How Messi's career has developed in the last 7-8 years, it is very debatable whether he is better than Cr7 results wise.
Cr7 wins in CLs, KO matches and NT titles.
Messi only has the edge in million of La liga goals and titles. Which is not bad, but...

Anyway, keep on dreaming and live on a cloud.


Senior Member
Look, you have to be aware that everything Barca's is overrated by our fans.

Messi is better than Cr7.
Xaviniesta are better than Zidane
Pep's era is better than 4 out of 5 by RM
Pep is better than Zidane

In that sense, once when Messi will be gone and especially if he'll leave with a bitter taste, views on him will be more realistic.

His career till 2013 was out of this world.
After that it is downhill and somewhat underachieving based on his potential.
And no, it is not because of bad teammates.

In the last 5 years, he was mostly statpadding against Mickey Mouse La liga opponents (who are worst than ever) and scoring from lots of penaldos in free kicks.

In CL ko matches, probably not even in top10 in the last 5 years.

Which kind of Goat is that who scored zero KO goals for Argentina in his life (iirc) and 1 away KO goal in 5 years for the most expensive team on the planet.

His last few years were underwhelming.

At the end, his only Goat skills were in killing weak La liga teams.
After 2012, he almost lost magic powers on the international level, except in 2015, paired with the most expensive attacking trio in a history.

You'll see in upcoming years how overhyping will cool down.
Especially if Messi will be average at City, which is the most likely scenario based on his,age, pace, stamina, mental strength, EPL defenders and media/fans who will be hostile towards him.
And you have learned by now what he does when things are not safe and perfect: he puts his head down, touches his beard, walk and sulk.

Sorry for rant, but I am tired of alibies and excuses how everything about Barca is always the best.

How Messi's career has developed in the last 7-8 years, it is very debatable whether he is better than Cr7 results wise.
Cr7 wins in CLs, KO matches and NT titles.
Messi only has the edge in million of La liga goals and titles. Which is not bad, but...

Anyway, keep on dreaming and live on a cloud.

Just saw the stats and wow they're damning mate.

Ucl goals from losing position Ronaldo
23 Messi 5

Most goals from quarters to final
Ronaldo 41 Messi 16

Away goals scored since 20l3 in knockout stage
Ronaldo 12 Messi 0

Goals scored when their teams were knocked out Ronaldo 11 Messi 2.

I'm shocked...

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