Man of the Match thread

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New member
The Official MoM-thread award
Bayern Munich, ChL, away (0-4)

1. Iniesta (29,6%) Our best player, not that it's saying much. A poor game by his standards ~ Deco 20
2. Pedro (18,5%) nearly had an excellent assist to Messi, if not for Dante's last-ditch save. Defensive hero, stopped many Bayern attacks, the one player ahead of the defense who actually provided some shielding when out of possession ~ BerkeleyBernie
3. Valdés (15,6%) for not letting us lose 6-0 ~ SoMa

Well, that was a painful count.
It's interesting, though, when looking through the Iniesta thread trying to find a quote, I noticed that the majority in there were absolutely hammering him for a terrible display. Yet he managed to win the - albeit pretty cheap - top spot.



Senior Member
1. Thiago - by far best player on the pitch for 90 minutes, hardly a wrong foot all game, laid out great opportunities again and again that his teammates wasted.
2. Messi - brilliant goal, finally someone thinking as quick as Thiago.
3. Song - solid performance as holding/defensive mid, best of the supporting players


Wild Man of Borneo
1. Messi
2. Thiago (really close 2nd)
3. Alexis (played really well and also close up there with Messi and Thiago
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