Manchester United



Where does this myth arise that Xavi wasn't a regular for Barcelona until he was 26? Is it because he didn't start in the UCL final against Arsenal? Maybe he didn't start because he was out for a while with a knee injury and wasn't match fit!

Hear this nonsense constantly from English fans, it's tiresome and factually incorrect!

Xavi statistics;

01-02(age 21/22) - 28 La Liga appearances(24 starts) 10 UCL appearances(7 starts)
02-03(age 22/23) - 29 La Liga appearances(29 starts) 14 UCL appearances(14 starts)
03-04(age 23/24) - 37 La Liga appearances(35 starts) 7 Uefa cup appearances(7 starts)
04-05(age 24/25) - 36 La Liga appearances(36 starts) 8 UCL appearances(8 starts)

Missed three UCL matches in 02/03, one in the Uefa cup in 03/04 and one in 04/05.

How was Xavi not a regular for Barcelona before he was 26? :xavi:

Where the hell did you get those stats from? Its common football knowledge Xavi was always behind in the pecking order at Barcelona playing in the shadows of other players and was nearly shipped out, even Xavi himself said he nearly had to move clubs and this was the case until around 2008, until a new manager came in with different ideas (Pep) and Deco moved to Chelsea.

A quote from Xavi himself "Rijkaard did not believe in me. He wanted to build the game commands to the physical power of the players, because they believed that it is the only adequate method to deal with the best teams in the world.”

But let's have it right, are you telling me Xavi never really said this, a imposter dressed up as him and said those words, everyone’s been living in a dream world, you are right and Xavi was Rijkaards man, the first name on the team sheet, as always been great and stood out on the world stage even at young age and it is all a myth he didn't start developing until mid-20's? If so who the fuck are you kidding? :lol:What planet have you been living on?:lol:

It's common football knowledge Xavi was a late bloomer, most people here even admit that and i thought you wasn't replying to me again, deary me.


New member
'Xavi never started regularly playing regularly for Barcelona until aged 26'

That was what you said, you got proved wrong and can't handle it. Tut tut!


New member
Where the hell did you get those stats from? Its common football knowledge Xavi was always behind in the pecking order at Barcelona playing in the shadows of other players and was nearly shipped out, even Xavi himself said he nearly had to move clubs and this was the case until around 2008, until a new manager came in with different ideas (Pep) and Deco moved to Chelsea.

A quote from Xavi himself "Rijkaard did not believe in me. He wanted to build the game commands to the physical power of the players, because they believed that it is the only adequate method to deal with the best teams in the world.”

But let's have it right, are you telling me Xavi never really said this, a imposter dressed up as him and said those words, everyone’s been living in a dream world, you are right and Xavi was Rijkaards man, the first name on the team sheet, as always been great and stood out on the world stage even at young age and it is all a myth he didn't start developing until mid-20's? If so who the fuck are you kidding? :lol:What planet have you been living on?:lol:

It's common football knowledge Xavi was a late bloomer, most people here even admit that and i thought you wasn't replying to me again, deary me.

I don't know what to make of it or how does all that proves that Xavi was a 'late bloomer' :facepalm:
Late Bloomers don't represent national teams at each youth level and don't standout among rest technique wise .


New member
I don't know what to make of it or how does all that proves that Xavi was a 'late bloomer' :facepalm:
Late Bloomers don't represent national teams at each youth level and don't standout among rest technique wise .
Mental ain't it.

The worst part of it all, clear factual evidence was put in-front of him and he still can't accept it. There's no helping some people in this world.

But hey look at his above post and you understand how strange and weird this character is. He talks about living in an own world, he certainly lives in a fantasy world where he can't read correctly.

Is it possible to put someone on ignore on this site? Waste of time reading posts from people like him!

Anyway back on topic, wonder how much change will occur at United next season.
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I don't know what to make of it or how does all that proves that Xavi was a 'late bloomer' :facepalm:
Late Bloomers don't represent national teams at each youth level and don't standout among rest technique wise .

There are many players who represent their country’s and don’t play regularly for their club, there are many players who have played for their country at youth level but professional career been a failure and just because a player as great technique and technical ability doesn’t mean they are nailed on to have a successful career.

Fact is Xavi was in the shadow of other former Barcelona midfielders early career, played 2nd fiddle and wasn’t a nailed on starter, all = late bloomer.

A musician can’t be one of the best musicians in the world until they prove it no matter how talented they are. Same in football and fact is Xavi never started proving until mid 20’s, I’m not even sure why I’m having this discussion because everyone knows I’m right and i'm not pulling down Xavi's legacy in what I’m saying, Xavi went on to be one of the greatest midfielders in modern era football, but why hide from facts and the truth or try sugar coat it in some way when everyone knows the facts and the truth.
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I'm only posting this because this as the result of an ongoing discussion I have with my uncle, an exiled Sheffield-er, living in Manchester and therefore a Manchester United fan/supporter. He seems to think they'll go on and on, however I seem to think that there might be trouble in the future.

1) In the past I have said to my uncle, that you could take three or four players out of that squad and you really would notice their absence. The players being Valencia, Anderson and Young.
2) I have then said you then have a number of senior players who are in/or approaching the Indian Summer of their careers. Giggs, Scholes, Evra, Ferdinand, Vidic, Carrick and illness of Fletcher.
3) Add to that you have the apparent unhappiness of Rooney, Nani and Chicharito. Lack of game time or constant switching of position, being their major grievances.

and finally and most importantly

4) Sir Alex Ferguson. He's 71 and he is in his 27th year as manager of Manchester United. When Busby left United in the 70's the seismic shift at his absence and poor appointment of managers that succeeded him led to the club being relegated to the second division within a few years. I'm not suggesting (at all) that will happen here.

In closing I don't think everything is as rosy as it should by at Man Utd. And I really do like to wind my uncle up :). Any thoughts?


I am Leg End
Man U have the money and more importantly the sky propaganda machine behind them. So that plus and money = power.


New member
I've been saying for the last 2-3 years that United are in decline and when Ferguson leaves they will be in trouble. How he manages to get victories with this United squad is beyond me, his man management skills are out of this world.

I'd argue that Man United have performed very well in about 9/10 league games this season, yet have this outstanding points return. So many games they've sneaked a victory that the performance didn't reflect on.

IMO United could easily upgrade on the likes of Jones, Evans, Anderson, Valencia, Buttner, Fletcher, Welbeck, Young, Fabio, Macheda, Bebe, Nani an the ageing Giggs/Scholes. I'm not a fan on any of those players, although Evans has improved a lot on the last year.

As Don said you have players like Ferdinand, Vidic, Evra, Carrick who are very key and will need replaced in the next couple of years, that's the core of their defence. If I was a United fan I wouldn't be looking forward to a back line of Rafael Evans Jones/Smalling Evra because I don't think it's near strong enough.

But as Ed said they have the money and power to sign most players so have the ability to improve the squad, the question is will this be done under Ferguson before he leaves?

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
I'm only posting this because this as the result of an ongoing discussion I have with my uncle, an exiled Sheffield-er, living in Manchester and therefore a Manchester United fan/supporter. He seems to think they'll go on and on, however I seem to think that there might be trouble in the future.

1) In the past I have said to my uncle, that you could take three or four players out of that squad and you really would notice their absence. The players being Valencia, Anderson and Young.

That was supposed to be wouldn't, right? If not I'm a bit surprised by your choices :p

How they deal with the issue of finding a succesor to Fergie will be key.


How they deal with the issue of finding a succesor to Fergie will be key.

I think this is Ferguson's big worry and maybe the reason he's continued so long. I don't think there are any real candidates in the EPL, maybe Villas-Boas in a few years. However if he was to leave in a season or two, they'd really be struggling for a manager unless the went for a Mourinho, Klopp or Solskjaer etc. The only other option is to appoint someone from within, a Giggs maybe.


New member
I think this is Ferguson's big worry and maybe the reason he's continued so long. I don't think there are any real candidates in the EPL, maybe Villas-Boas in a few years. However if he was to leave in a season or two, they'd really be struggling for a manager unless the went for a Mourinho, Klopp or Solskjaer etc. The only other option is to appoint someone from within, a Giggs maybe.
Actually wouldn't surprise me to see Giggs as the next manager.

The problem with United going for someone like Klopp is they would need to completely overhaul the squad as this current squad is just not technical enough to play that style of football, IMO.

A man manager who prefers a solid base with counter attacking football, then Mourinho is the answer.
Actually wouldn't surprise me to see Giggs as the next manager.

The problem with United going for someone like Klopp is they would need to completely overhaul the squad as this current squad is just not technical enough to play that style of football, IMO.

A man manager who prefers a solid base with counter attacking football, then Mourinho is the answer.

David Moyes could be the potential Managers, done some amazing work with Everton and I am sure If Man Utd want the longetivity of success they have been having they will give him time to develop his squad, like Sir Alex ferguson had when he first started it.


New member
Although a United fan, I'm one of the biggest complainers about our performance levels and squad but I certainly don't see our current situation as a crisis...

Goalkeeper we're set for years. I think we have a very good selection of defenders. We have the Vidic/Rio replacements already at the club and the former's performance levels are still very high anyway. I am however increasingly annoyed about the amount of players we have who have fitness issues and having to constantly rotate and rest certain players because of medical reasons is a big strain on the team, and this does apply to our centre backs. Rafael is considered one of our top 3 performers this season and is ever improving, brother Fabio returns in the summer from loan spell (what a waste of time that was). Evra was on the decline for 2 years but picked it up a bit this year, but it wouldn't sadden me to see him be replaced, he's complacent.

We have an excellent set of strikers, no idea why we'd mess with things by getting rid of Rooney/bringing in Falcao/Lewandowski, it's just Fergie's solution to everything seems to be to sign a new striker.

Wingers went from being one of our strongest areas to our weakest in the space of a year. They have been terrible season, we've ruined what was a very good player in Nani who won player's player of the season in 2011, he seems destined to leave now for peanuts probably. Zaha has been bought, we'll need a top talent to replace Nani when he leaves and hope Valencia finds the form that wont him poty last season and Young stops being quite so useless.

The midfield issue is a joke. We've needed to sign one for about 4 years but haven't even come close. Carrick is our only defensively capable player in the squad, if he got injured we'd be absolutely screwed, it's such poor squad building. He's having a top season though and I don't think listing him in the 'old and a liability' pile is very fair at all. Our inability to let go off Giggs and Scholes is another cause of frustration, they're a huge part of the reason Pogba left and why we put off buying a midfielder year after year, they have to be constantly rested and rotated, they really aren't top players any more on an even slightly consistent basis. Ferguson also has an obsession with Jones in midfield when he's clearly a defender. Cleverley's a pretty decent player, and Anderson's a decent squad option too but he barely gets given a game because Ferguson would rather give 40 year olds and 20 year old centre backs game time in midfield instead - he will most likely be sold as well. Ideally we'd sign 2 good central midfielders, one more defensive and one more attacking, cut our reliance on the oldies and have a strong quartet of Carrick, Cleverley and 2 new faces to play around with, but it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't address the problem for the 9th transfer window in a row.

I think Ferguson gets more praise outside of United than from our own fans nowadays to be honest. I often read on here and other places how "you have to admire Ferguson, getting such an average squad to consistently win trophies", or "Ferguson's team mentality to win games when playing so poorly has to be admired"... Well, surely he has to take responsibility for building a squad with significant weaknesses despite splashing a lot of cash over the past 2 summers and also some responsiblity for his team so rarely putting in a good 90 minute performance. I could count on one hand the amount of top team performances we've put in this season, and we've played way over 50 games. We should be going into the season thinking we're one of the strong favourites for Europe's top prize, and with such a weak midfield how can that ever be the case? I'm not even sure he sees any issues there, some of his comments are beyond deluded like how he thought we'd have got to the final last season if we'd gave got past the CL group stages, and his standards for what he considers a good performance from us is embarrassingly low, the West Ham game a few days ago, our display was described as "magnificent" and the loss to City was an "excellent performance".

I think this is Ferguson's big worry and maybe the reason he's continued so long. I don't think there are any real candidates in the EPL, maybe Villas-Boas in a few years. However if he was to leave in a season or two, they'd really be struggling for a manager unless the went for a Mourinho, Klopp or Solskjaer etc. The only other option is to appoint someone from within, a Giggs maybe.
It depends on the timing, on who is available when he decides to call it a day. I imagine we'd look straight to Mourinho/Guardiola but I doubt whether we'd buy them out of their contracts at Chelsea/Bayern, or if the timing is right for them to take their chances at Old Trafford. Outside that I'd prefer to see the club take a look at Klopp, Van Gaal, Hiddink, Heynckes, Pelligrini etc. before we resort to the likes of David Moyes. I don't think there's a shortage of candidates at all to be honest.

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