Yes of course you make sense, is it common for Germans not to like the national team?
I think the German team has been very unlucky to hit this golden generation while Spain hit theirs. I think the Dutch team of the 70's is remembered as much for coming so close to winning as for their actual quality and players.
Would you agree that this German team will be remembered as the bridesmaid to to Spain
A lot of people don't like the NT because of the big hype and because it is chique to hate them, all the commercialism and the fan streets etc. I was never affected by this, in fact I never experienced the apparently brilliant atmosphere during the WC in 2006 because I lived in Ireland during that time, same goes for 2008; and in 2010 I rooted for England and was utterly disappointed (even if the BFG ruled the world and I was proud of him).
I have never liked the German NT, I think my parents did something wrong in my education in that aspect

(seeing as they are big footie fans themselves and went to the games with me a lot but patriotism is never something that I cottoned on to successfully).
Nowawadys it is because of Löw and his scarf and because of the way he handles certain personnel issues (Ballack, Frings, Kießling, to just name a few) and that he seems to have clear favourites that he does not like to push out unless pressured (Podolski). Until the semi against Italy, criticism against hi was frowned up because of the highly successful campaigns he had enjoyed until then but after it showed that Germany folds like a cheap hooker on a lazy Wednesday when confronted with the right amount of money/pressure. After the Euros, it was THE thing to do and all those that didn't like him or the NT felt justified in their criticism. It was petty, really; but then again, so was the worshipping of Löw before that. To hear some papers and journalists talk, it seemed certain that Germany would make it into the finale, even when they had trouble against Denmark in the group stages and also against Greece.
Personally, I don't like him, I think he is a spineless twat but I also never liked Klinsmann. Like I said, my patriotism is closely connect to 6 foot 2 of blonde awkwardness
Haha, I like the comparison of Germany and Spain but to cement that, I think they might have to meet again. Right now, the NT teams are in a bit of a S/M-situation with Spain - whenever they want to change things, Spain turn out their Dom side and show who's the boss