Mario Balotelli


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Some people saying Mancini is a drama queen and overreacted? What would you think Pep would have done?

Balotelli is an idiot...


Anybody that thinks Mancini overreacted does not have a clue about the seriousness required to run a professional team.

If I was Mancini I would keep him off the roster for a few games.


"I hope this is a lesson for him," Mancini told various newspapers after the match in which City won 7-6 on penalties after it ended 1-1 in normal time. "In football you always need to be professional, always serious and in this moment he wasn't professional.

"If you are serious, you can play 90 minutes. If not, you can come and sit by me on the bench."

The striker responded with a few choice words to the City chief as he made his way to the bench, indicating that he did not understand what he had done wrong.

Mancini replied, presumably pointing out how disrespectful the move had been. Balotelli angrily took his place on the bench before throwing his water-bottle to the ground in disgust.

He did not return to the bench for the second half, further fuelling an already tempestuous relationship with Mancini.

"He needs to understand his behaviour has to be good in every game - not just in a final or a semi-final but every game," Mancini added. "He knows he made a mistake. Football should always be serious and if you have a chance to score, you should score."

Balotelli's actions add to growing crime sheet since he joined City just 12 months ago, although Mancini was keen to draw a line under the incident.

"Mario is young, I want to help him and that is the end of it,'' he added.

"To take him off after 30 minutes is enough punishment. It won't have been easy for him but it has to be a lesson.''


Mike the Knife
I can't imagine anyone is truly surprised by Mario...Having him in your squad is a form of babysitting


The Reckoner
If I was Mancini I would keep him off the roster for a few games.

Then you jeopardise his season by denying him minutes in these warm up games.

What really needs to happen is for Mario to take some responsibility and acknowledgement for his actions, then he will begin to learn and improve as a person and a footballer. The misdemeanour and punishment cycle could go on forever with him.


Mike the Knife
Then you jeopardise his season by denying him minutes in these warm up games.

What really needs to happen is for Mario to take some responsibility and acknowledgement for his actions, then he will begin to learn and improve as a person and a footballer. The misdemeanour and punishment cycle could go on forever with him.

It will likely go on forever, in truth...Because the cycle has gone on and the person/player has rarely taken any responsibility...Too much handholding indefinitely insures only one outcome


Then you jeopardise his season by denying him minutes in these warm up games.

What really needs to happen is for Mario to take some responsibility and acknowledgement for his actions, then he will begin to learn and improve as a person and a footballer. The misdemeanour and punishment cycle could go on forever with him.

You seem to take for granted that Balotelli is in some way in possession of a human brain.

Given the empirical evidence in front of us. That is quite a leap.


Mancini's an idiot.. It was only a friendly. The good thing is... Mario will join Milan in a year or two.

I wouls have kicked a player's ass if he did that during training. Not a friendly game. It will take a seriously inane team to go after Balotelli in the future.


Mr Lover Man
Mancini's an idiot? Behave.

With Agüero looking close to signing I'd try to get shot of Mario.

He's great entertainment though...when he's not at your team :D


It is an indignation of our social and political system, that a biological entity like Mario can be a millionaire, while scientists and intellectuals are on the dole.

Posterity will provide this as evidence of 21st century barbarism.


Anxiously waiting for the next match
I would sell him to that rich russian club or the middle east... simple as that you do not talk back to a coach like that especially on tv.. the whole thing is just retardedness I cant believe some people are defending him..


It's not very hard to imagine why some people have a certain fondness or outright sympathy and support for retardedness.

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