Martin Montoya


New member
Pardon me but Montoya is easily our best "current" prospect from La Masia and deserves more playing time to be developed. He does well in whatever little playing time he gets.And i fail to see how Alves deserves his spot against him. Alves is poor at defending. With two attacking fullbacks that is suicide.

You're talking about Alves man who has played like 600 games in his life over a puppy who has 28 first team appearances. And Montoya is no where near our best prospect from La Masia... Thiago, Deulofeu, Tello, Cuenca are all higher rated.


You're talking about Alves man who has played like 600 games in his life over a puppy who has 28 first team appearances. And Montoya is no where near our best prospect from La Masia... Thiago, Deulofeu, Tello, Cuenca are all higher rated.

While I'm all in favour of starting Alves in big games, since he's proven his form is still top-notch, there is no denying Montoya is a very strong prospect, and already somewhat better than Alves in defence. His crosses are far from Alves quality yet, but give him time!

Thiago is not a "prospect"; he is already a semi-regular first team player. Deulofeu, Tello, Cuenca are all less mature than Montoya in their play; so I think that part is nonsense.


Wild Man of Borneo
You're talking about Alves man who has played like 600 games in his life over a puppy who has 28 first team appearances. And Montoya is no where near our best prospect from La Masia... Thiago, Deulofeu, Tello, Cuenca are all higher rated.

Very wrong there. Tello and Cuenca are nowhere near his level in terms of ability or potential. They just seem better because they are attackers. Deulofeu has more potential than Montoya but Montoya obviously has much more ability and maturity right now. As for Thiago, he is the only young star who has both more ability and potential than Montoya. He might not be flashy, but he's a solid and extremely reliable right back. He doesn't do anything to amaze you but he fulfills his role perfectly and is damn good at it. Alves is better obviously but not defensively and that's why Montoya is the better option imo. If Adriano were playing on the left then I'd take Alves over Montoya any day.


New member
^Well we agree to disagree. I see Montoya as a very solid right/left back with little offensive upside, maybe like a Maxwell type or Sylvinho. Hard to compare him at all with any of the Thiagos or Deulo due to different positions.


Senior Member
Montoya isn't ready for the clasico an he is a bigger prospect than tello and cuenca.
You guys need to understand the 3 developments steps all cantera players have to go through, that being said he and bartra should be getting minutes Evert 3rd game and starting every 5th


Wild Man of Borneo
^Well we agree to disagree. I see Montoya as a very solid right/left back with little offensive upside, maybe like a Maxwell type or Sylvinho. Hard to compare him at all with any of the Thiagos or Deulo due to different positions.

He has a pretty good offensive upside. Not comparable to Alves or Alba, but that's not his role. I remember him getting at least 2 or 3 assists this season (and almost a goal in the clasico) despite the fact that he hardly ever plays. Pretty good for the fact that he's 21


New member
Thiago is not a prospect anymore, we can't really compare him to the other youngsters. But how can anyone deny that Montoya is more mature than Tello and Cuenca, let alone Deulofeu? He may not be a prospect like Deulofeu is, although right now we can't tell what will happen in the long run, but at this point he's easily the most reliable and mature player of the four. He's not an attacker so he doesn't get the spotlight that attackers do (or if you want to say 'higher ratings'), but I would count on Barca fans to acknowledge how good Montoya has been. And let's just mention that Montoya already played in a Clasico this season and he did a great job. And he's been better in defense than Alves pretty much every time he played this season.

And +1 on using Montoya rather than Adriano at RB when Alves is off.

RB Alves > Montoya > Adriano
LB Alba > Adriano > Montoya

Besides being the better RB (IMHO), Montoya could use the minutes, and Adriano is not really being robbed of his, since he can play both flanks more easily than Montoya, and therefore replace Alba whenever needed.
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Thiago is not a prospect anymore, we can't really compare him to the other youngsters. But how can anyone deny that Montoya is more mature than Tello and Cuenca, let alone Deulofeu? He may not be a prospect like Deulofeu is, although right now we can't tell what will happen in the long run, but at this point he's easily the most reliable and mature player of the four. He's not an attacker so he doesn't get the spotlight that attackers do (or if you want to say 'higher ratings'), but I would count on Barca fans to acknowledge how good Montoya has been. And let's just mention that Montoya already played in a Clasico this season and he did a great job. And he's been better in defense than Alves pretty much every time he played this season.

And +1 on using Montoya rather than Adriano at RB when Alves is off.

RB Alves > Montoya > Adriano
LB Alba > Adriano > Montoya

Besides being the better RB (IMHO), Montoya could use the minutes, and Adriano is not really being robbed of his, since he can play both flanks more easily than Montoya, and therefore replace Alba whenever needed.

Yep, totally agree with those pecking orders for RB and LB. Just give Montoya time so he can develop as a RB. Alves has got another two years *maximum* in the starting line-up, then he's going to drop to such a level that he won't be the best at attack *or* defence.

I think Vilanova has a predilection for the slightly flashier and more conspicuous defensive players though, like Alves and Adriano. He should realise just how good Montoya is at his defensive duties, and he can still improve significantly. Xavi is far from the most conspicuous player, but he's integral to the Barça team.


Senior Member
Thiago is not a prospect anymore, we can't really compare him to the other youngsters. But how can anyone deny that Montoya is more mature than Tello and Cuenca, let alone Deulofeu? He may not be a prospect like Deulofeu is, although right now we can't tell what will happen in the long run, but at this point he's easily the most reliable and mature player of the four. He's not an attacker so he doesn't get the spotlight that attackers do (or if you want to say 'higher ratings'), but I would count on Barca fans to acknowledge how good Montoya has been. And let's just mention that Montoya already played in a Clasico this season and he did a great job. And he's been better in defense than Alves pretty much every time he played this season.

And +1 on using Montoya rather than Adriano at RB when Alves is off.

RB Alves > Montoya > Adriano
LB Alba > Adriano > Montoya

Besides being the better RB (IMHO), Montoya could use the minutes, and Adriano is not really being robbed of his, since he can play both flanks more easily than Montoya, and therefore replace Alba whenever needed.

I have to agree with that ,except the bold part ,Montoya/Tello/Cuenca/Thiago are all same age(all born in 1991,3 of them born in same month btw) ,all take almost same route to our first team,may be Thiago was little ahead of the others
All 4 are first team players who still trying to reach their potential ,whether you consider that a prospect or not I don't think we should separate one from the crop , I would say Montoya has least upside but with highest floor probably ,but considering that we aren't in era with lot of gr8 defenders ,I would say we are lucky to have a kid like him in our team to tak over Alves role in few years
Gerard on the other hand is much younger(3 years isn't little at their age) ,and still playing in 2nd division ,so no point of comparing him to those 4 yet


New member
Thiago is way ahead of the others. He started playing for the first team in 2009, signed officially in 2011. Montoya, Cuenca and Tello debuted in 2011 (two years later) and signed in 2012, and Deulofeu is obviously still a Barca B regular. I don't think age has that much to do with it, honestly. Thiago debuted in 2009 because he was obviously good enough at that point. I'd definitely separate him from the others, in terms of potential, talent, current progress and whatnot. He's no longer a current prospect, in comparison to the others, he's almost a regular. But between Montoya, Cuenca and Tello, I'd definitely say Montoya is the one who's currently the most reliable and mature as a first team player. I wouldn't argue about which one of them has the most future potential, especially when you include Deulofeu, but as far as current progress goes, if I had to say which one of them I'd trust most to do their job well, I'd put my money on Montoya ahead of the rest every time.

But I agree with what you said about not many great defenders being around at this time. But then again, that's another reason why I believe Montoya deserves more of the "spotlight" (for the lack of a better term) comparing to all these wingers La Masia is producing lately.


The Culest
Left out of the friendly against Uruguay. This guy can't catch a break. If he was given more playtime he could have got in. This guy has the potential to displace Arbeloa from the starting XI. Why isn't he played more. Azpilicueta got in due to regular play time. :facepalm:


New member
RB is definitely Spain's weakest link. They ought to be working more intensely to integrate Montoya, because, even though he is arguably not at Arbeloa's level at the moment, he's incomparably more talented than that mediocre pinhead.


Potential? He's already better than Arbeloa. No doubt. The only thing Arbeloa has more than him is a name and thus a reputation. As a footballer he is nothing compared to Montoya.


New member
Potential? He's already better than Arbeloa. No doubt. The only thing Arbeloa has more than him is a name and thus a reputation. As a footballer he is nothing compared to Montoya.

I agree completely. Many would argue, though, that's why I said arguably. :lol: As far as I am concerned, Montoya is already twice the footballer that that inept cunt is.
Thiago is not a prospect anymore, we can't really compare him to the other youngsters. But how can anyone deny that Montoya is more mature than Tello and Cuenca, let alone Deulofeu? He may not be a prospect like Deulofeu is, although right now we can't tell what will happen in the long run, but at this point he's easily the most reliable and mature player of the four. He's not an attacker so he doesn't get the spotlight that attackers do (or if you want to say 'higher ratings'), but I would count on Barca fans to acknowledge how good Montoya has been. And let's just mention that Montoya already played in a Clasico this season and he did a great job. And he's been better in defense than Alves pretty much every time he played this season.

And +1 on using Montoya rather than Adriano at RB when Alves is off.

RB Alves > Montoya > Adriano
LB Alba > Adriano > Montoya

Besides being the better RB (IMHO), Montoya could use the minutes, and Adriano is not really being robbed of his, since he can play both flanks more easily than Montoya, and therefore replace Alba whenever needed.

It seems to me that Montoya is favored for smaller games, and Adriano for big ones. Could be because of experience, or maybe it's coz Adriano's a better attacker.
Anyways, I agree with you about the RB position, but LB should be:
Alba > Adriano > Abidal > Montoya.
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