Martin Montoya


New member
I wasn't able to watch the match but I saw the highlights. Fantastic goal! I'm really happy for him. Good way to end the season and stake his claim for next season.
:montoya:I think he has at least demonstrated he is Dani's equal in terms of defending, and as far as I'm concerned, I would start him over :alves:

We should move Alves on now while we can still demand a reasonably high price. I rate him between 11-15m.

We already have Adriano as backup for both FB positions and if we get this Marquinhos fella from Roma that everyone is raving about (I haven't seen him). Then we can move Dani on and get some cash back.

Great strike yesterday btw.:thumbsup2:

If we get Marquinhos, it'll probably be for the CB position. I'd get another RB if we sell Alves. Either to replace him as the starter or to back up Montoya (I think I'd prefer the latter).


New member
Anyone still saying that he's not as good as Dani in attacking needs to watch the U21 Euro match right now !!


New member
If good going forward is whipping in terrible crosses 9/10 times, then yes Alves was good going forward this year. People need to accept that Alves was never a great defender, but he was an amazing attacking fullback who biggest advantage was his pace, which isn't the same anymore now that he's 30. And that "link up play with Messi" ended years ago when Pep moved Messi to the middle. Remember him for what he was. :alves:

Montoya is the future, has been called up by Spain already for a reason, and it'll be a damn shame if the Chelsea right-back or the new RM right-back get called up to the WC before him because of his lack of first team appearances next year.


Senior Member
Montoya's a better attacker than Alves, hands down. Alves is probably still a superior dribbler and rondo passer with good tight control, but, with Messi in the center, he is a non-threat with his aimless crosses and nonexistent shooting. Montoya appears to be an excellent crosser, no moonballs, sharply whipped in and *aimed* to a target, has a wicked shot he's not afraid to use, and better positional awareness in regards his defensive duties.

I've yet to be convinced Tello is more than an occasional weapon, but Montoya is the real deal.


New member
He's also as good/better in defending.

I thought that was already well established.

Of course CURRENTLY he is no better than Alves. Are you comparing the difficulty level of an U21 game with a champions league game?

Being in the opponent half most of the time doesn't make anyone a better attacker. Its the time, position and pace that matters. Montoya is a very solid defender, has a good positioning sense and when the time is right can move to attack blazing fast with the bonus of not being afraid to shoot. He has the perfect ratio of attack:defense that we want so badly in Alba.


New member
The coolest thing about Montoya is that... if he were to become the starting RB next season, we'd have a good RB for the next 10-ish years.

Being in the opponent half most of the time doesn't make anyone a better attacker.

Oh, preach on, brother! This, this, this. So much this. :lol: These days people still think Dani is a good attacker just because he spends his time (and does nothing most of the time) in the opponent's half.

Its the time, position and pace that matters. Montoya is a very solid defender, has a good positioning sense and when the time is right can move to attack blazing fast with the bonus of not being afraid to shoot. He has the perfect ratio of attack:defense that we want so badly in Alba.

Right on. You want a fullback to attack almost as a suprise. That's his role in attack. You don't want him to be there all the time. Montoya will be, if he isn't already, the perfect fullback. And the perfect counterpart to Alba.
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Wild Man of Borneo
no guys montoya is far from ready to play in front of alves, he makes stupid tackles... only a blind can't see that alves is one of the world's best, it is not alves problem that the team hasn't got a second cm who can defend when alba and dani have attacking positions..
new gk
dani pique new cb alba

tiago/xavi iniesta/cesc

alexis messi neymar

Ok two errors over the course of the season. I'm not even going to go to the trouble of looking up every clip of Alves's shit positioning, tackling, heading, etc because everyone has lost count a long time ago.

It's not Alves' problem if the team doesn't have a defensive CM? It's sure as hell Dani's problem. Who tells him to be that advanced up the pitch when the ball isn't even on the flank? Who tells him to act as a winger who reluctantly runs back for defense at times? It's his fault that there is so much space left behind for the opponents to attack. Besides Busquets does his job as best he can, Alves should realize that he is a defender ffs.


New member
He is not better going forward than Alves but it is getting to the point that he is the better all round full back.

This. Everytime I watch Montoya I'm trying to put a label on him of what kind of RB he is, and it's that he is the most well rounded. He does it all with clever precision and he should be started from now on. Dani & Alba are not a balanced full back duo as both like to attack but Dani leaves massive gaps and almost always stays in the opponents half. It worked well when Abidal was our LB as it left 3 defenders to cover for the counter attack.

With Abidal leaving I think Muniesa should be promoted back to the senior squad and we can emulate our former backline putting him at LB when we need to rest Montoya/Alba. Dani - Pique - ??? - Muniesa can be a good rotating backline if we are looking for a different strategy (Milan match) and want Dani to bomb forward.


New member
If good going forward is whipping in terrible crosses 9/10 times, then yes Alves was good going forward this year. People need to accept that Alves was never a great defender, but he was an amazing attacking fullback who biggest advantage was his pace, which isn't the same anymore now that he's 30. And that "link up play with Messi" ended years ago when Pep moved Messi to the middle. Remember him for what he was. :alves:

Montoya is the future, has been called up by Spain already for a reason, and it'll be a damn shame if the Chelsea right-back or the new RM right-back get called up to the WC before him because of his lack of first team appearances next year.

Agree with all of this, except that I disagree that Montoya is the future. He is THE PRESENT (at least, he should be).

Dani was one of our worst players last season and if I had my way, he would be sold this summer. Montoya has earned his place, and if there's any justice, he should start ahead of Alves next season.

p.s. I am still waiting for my DVD of "Dani Alves - 50 Great Over-Hit Crosses" to arrive.

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