Mats Hummels


New member
Subotic is a good defender but that's about it. He is more consistent than Hummels but that doesn't mean he's better.

Hummels was sorely missed when he was injured but Sokratis made Dortmund fans forget about Subotic and that says a lot about whether Subotic is as good as Hummels.


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Subotic is a good defender but that's about it. He is more consistent than Hummels but that doesn't mean he's better.

Hummels was sorely missed when he was injured but Sokratis made Dortmund fans forget about Subotic and that says a lot about whether Subotic is as good as Hummels.

Why not go after Sokratis then?


Mr. Japes
I've been following him since he was 13.

I've spoken to sources inside the Hummels camp and no one really believes that he'll make it as a pro.


Mr. Japes
Why are you people back in bulk, you are one big clan

Still can't pronounce your name Minecrophile


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