Mats Hummels


The good
watched some minutes for the game tonight and the dude is just splendid
probably the most entertaining CB since Mexico brought Rafa Marquez,those long balls are so sexy...


I so wish Pep signs him. But not even a slightly rumor, so I guess it's not happening.


Senior Member
We need tall good defenders. Were really showing our wekness on corner kicks and free kicks with our height disadvantage. Ive been following Hummels a bit now, and i would really like to see him in Barcelona.
Really smexy long balls.
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New member
Sign him up!

I am surprised that there have been absolutely no rumours about him joining us. He is the perfect fit in so many ways.

Get your act together Zubi and don't screw this transfer window up by buying Bale and RvP and a cheap CB option.

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