

New member
pep made the right move by putting yaya in after maxwell came on..
although maxwell didn't have much to do..he had walcott in his pocket.
at least pep was being pro active..


Senior Member
Max was way better than in first match,but when i remember how faster was Walcott then and that Max was almost useless i don't want to risk with Max against Real.


New member
exactly, but i am not too confident with milito at CB either, it was his fault the first goal vs arsenal was scored against us

that was really one of the only mistakes he's made all season, give the guy a break :icon_confused:


New member
If you're not confident with a player for just one mistake during the season, then we should start the next game with 0 players.

Okay, maybe just Messi. And Xavi. But this makes two.


New member
exactly, but i am not too confident with milito at CB either, it was his fault the first goal vs arsenal was scored against us

how can you not be confident about milito at cb?
where do you want him to play? LW?
milito gave us really some impressive performances.
i dare say that in some matches he was better that puyol.


New member
No mystery that Puyol will take on crissiepoo

Puyol was wonderful against Real at home.

Though he was playing CB with Pique. I recall Pique thwarting CR several times, quite spectacularly. Too bad I couldn't find any pics of it. Which is unusual for me. *disgruntled*

I guess I should have made mention about Maxwell since it's his thread!! My bad!


New member
I bet Maxwell has to pinch himself every night. He was second choice at Inter, arrived as essentially a makeweight in the Ibra deal and had was up against an in form revitalised Abidal for the LB spot. Now he's playing for the best team in the world, with the best players in the world, on the verge of winning the Champions League title and has firmly established himself as a first team player in a beautiful city, with great people and an amazing culture and climate to soak in. It would be fair to say i envy him!


Anxiously waiting for the next match
I bet Maxwell has to pinch himself every night. He was second choice at Inter, arrived as essentially a makeweight in the Ibra deal and had was up against an in form revitalised Abidal for the LB spot. Now he's playing for the best team in the world, with the best players in the world, on the verge of winning the Champions League title and has firmly established himself as a first team player in a beautiful city, with great people and an amazing culture and climate to soak in. It would be fair to say i envy him!

you say this like we are in the 80th min of the final with a 2 gol lead... we have not even played in the semis yet lets not get ahead to much..


New member
you say this like we are in the 80th min of the final with a 2 gol lead... we have not even played in the semis yet lets not get ahead to much..

Perhaps, but i was far more afraid of Arsenal than i am of any of the other teams left. It's not arrogance, but perhaps it will turn out to be misplaced optimism. We will see on May the 22nd.

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