Ode to Django
You're not even a real journalism
Why is everybody being stereotypical about Germany
They don't have the sense of humor to take it lightly
They don't have the sense of humor to take it lightly
Why is everybody being stereotypical about Germany
They don't have the sense of humor to take it lightly
I dont think the German language is very attractive too, on top of all that has been said...
And did I understand you correctly that you just insulted German beer in terms of diminishing its quality? Oo
I mean... you are used to Carlsberg (which I also enjoy from time to time btw), so I guess I misunderstood you, right? Cause in what universe is (basically any) German beer worse, especially the Bavarian, to Carlsberg (an okay beer)?![]()
I mean its quite severe & strong...unlike Spanish or French that is very soft, gentle & kind of romantic
hope I didnt offend any German-speaking person...
I guess I did. German beer is, mostly because of the reinheitsgebot(?) traditionally extremely well crafted, but boring to me. Of course there are exceptions, loads of them, but that's mainly from micro breweries, which you'll find in just about every country these days.
I'm not sure why you're bringing Carlsberg into this discussion, but I suppose it's because I'm from Denmark, right? Carlsberg (and just about any other commercial Danish brewery for that matter) is absolutely terrible, and I won't touch it for the life of me. Anyhow, it's got nothing to do with Spain - let alone Barcelona.
Fact of the matter is German beer is nothing out of the ordinary these days, and absolutely nothing you'd bother traveling for, unless you want to get hammerede in the precense of dirndle(?) clad chicks and hordes of drunk natives and tourists.
Now, had it been Belgium, we'd be having an entirely different discussion...
Actually I dont find Russian very rough, to be honest... I also speak a Slavonic language and I do like it, it's just perfect for me, not rough and not really soft.Eh... kinda close
What you see as con, I actually see as a pro. I also like Japanese and Russian a lot due to their roughness.
Italian always sounded like a bunch of people were constantly having arguments about some completely irrelevant bullshit, it is quite frankly annoying to my ears.
Spanish sounds like a bunch of drunk people who also happen to have a speech defect are having a conversation, kinda funny to listen to (at least in my book).
French, oh, the worst... if it's a girl/woman... okay, sounds kinda sexy, like she's singing a song to you. But a guy... oh my... I don't care how much of a gangster you are and how deep you voice is, I will still have a very hard time not having a bubble saying "I'm gay as fuck" (not meant as an insult to homosexuals, I actually have no problem with them at all, unless they try to rubb it in my face) pop up over your head.
I hope that rubbs nobody the wrong way, it's just how the languages in question sound to my ears.
Anyways... back 2 topic?![]()
But a guy... oh my... I don't care how much of a gangster you are and how deep you voice is, I will still have a very hard time not having a bubble saying "I'm gay as fuck" (not meant as an insult to homosexuals, I actually have no problem with them at all, unless they try to rubb it in my face) pop up over your head.![]()