Btw the nicest cities in Europe have to be either Venice or Florence
German beer, while rather famous for it's history, isn't exactly something to travel for, to put it politely, and I doubt your cuisine beats that of Barcelona's - unless of course you hate seafood and tapas.
Personally, I don't consider Tapas actual food. And seafood, yeah, not a big fan of that tbh.
And did I understand you correctly that you just insulted German beer in terms of diminishing its quality? Oo
I mean... you are used to Carlsberg (which I also enjoy from time to time btw), so I guess I misunderstood you, right? Cause in what universe is (basically any) German beer worse, especially the Bavarian, to Carlsberg (an okay beer)?
So you never been to Munich and most likely Germany, I take it.
btw, before anyone asks... I've been to Barcelona. Especially dat area right next to las ramblas... very "impressive"

That was the most "ghetto" I've ever felt, and I'm from Berlin...
2topic: IMO he would be the perfect solution to Bayern's CB misery this season. On the other hand, we still have Badstuber... Though there's a huge questionmark behind him (will he ever be as good as he was before his two ACL tears, or maybe even better? when will that be? is he still prone to injury?)
If he goes to Barca instead, he would do equally well, I guess. Though I'm actually hoping a bit that you end up with Luiz

(with proper tactics, he might actually do just as well as a CB)