Mesut Ozil


Lemon curry?
How some RM fans seem to be waiting for Özil to make one mistake to jump on him :lol: He was alright today, and overall has been brilliant at Arsenal.


The Observer
... Yes he was brilliant against


It's the same Ozil we know today.... so nothing is missed here ...
he was overwhelmed ... as he usually do..same thing he did last year against Dortmund in the semi-final...

Inconsistent, as the need to prove his doubters wrong is over... the thrill is gone


Lemon curry?
... Yes he was brilliant against


It's the same Ozil we know today.... so nothing is missed here ...
he was overwhelmed ... as he usually do..same thing he did last year against Dortmund in the semi-final...

Inconsistent, as the need to prove his doubters wrong is over... the thrill is gone
Believe in that if you like and watch Özil's club being top of the league while you are 3 points behind Barca and Atletico. You have all reason to be happy about the Bale transfer too, he's been ace so far hasn't he?
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New member
... Yes he was brilliant against


It's the same Ozil we know today.... so nothing is missed here ...
he was overwhelmed ... as he usually do..same thing he did last year against Dortmund in the semi-final...

Inconsistent, as the need to prove his doubters wrong is over... the thrill is gone

Obviously you didn't watch the game. He was good today, like usual. The only space there was for him was either out wide or deep. It makes it a whole lot more difficult.
Whenever he did move out wide, or dropped deep he did good. Never wasteful in possession, always picked the right option and created more chances than any other player on the pitch.

Not a bad performance by any means.


New member
He used to play against us but should play for us, really, such amazing first touch control qualifies him straight for Barca's first team :neymar:
Lol @our Alba who couldn't believe it
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New member

Fantastic attitude and work rate by him. He always seem to track back now. There are no signs of bad stamina at all these days either. You'd normally expect a big star like him to act slightly selfish but he's as unselfish as it gets. Despite the fact that he's one of the best out there.

And he's been absolutely brilliant for Arsenal so far, despite the fact that they lack a bit of width which means he's got to spend most of his time out wide.
He'll be even better when their wide players such as Walcott, Podolski and Chamberlain returns.


Lemon curry?
^ My thoughts exactly. He will be better not only when the width in form of Walcott returns, but also once he's fully acclimatized. Amazing how he has improved defensively & his stamina already, which were there main weaknesses in his game.

Also funny how several RM fans on here accused him of not being able to withstand the pressure/lacking the will to fight for his place and laughed the possibility of RM wanting to get rid of him off, when only recently Ancelotti admitted that it was him who decided to sell him (and keep Di Maria).

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