Of course such situations as Navas’ save are unorthodox. But that was not luck.
Sounds better.
I'm happy you didn't say that the keeper needs to practice to strengthen and hang his testicles as low as possible, in order to stop the ball when he is nutmeged... But that's just a joke, so I withdraw it, it's not a nice Xmas sentence anyway...
But we seem to be getting close, because the rest only depends on the definition of "luck".
If you state that the keeper consciously throws his entire body to the way of the ball, then you are right, it is a save.
But if the ball has already passed him and gets deflected from a static body-part, that he is not even able move consciously in that situation, then it is the very same thing, as if the ball hits the post, because there is no conscious movement involved. So:
Conscious move or instinctive move = it's a save.
Unconscious move or other factors (wind, uneven ground, slippery grass or ball, etc.) = luck.