Nelson Semedo


New member
They would have tried to sign him for 100m with Neymar money. Surprised we havent been chasing Ozil more. He is a typical board signing. Aging, inconsistent, Arsenal, fat wage, famous player etc.

It took some time but now the Özil rumors start to pop up....

Özil by the end of the window?


No more faces at night
Valverde will limit his playing time because Benfica will get a lot more money if Semedo players 50+ games and of course our board are cheap fucks

Guess that Semedo signing being a bargain was too good to be true. Especially with this incompetent board


Best midfielder around
He is superior to Aleix in every possible way. Stop with the easing in BS, Valverde. This kid is a starter already.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
If this guy learns the Barca way, he has a good shot of making it here... His burst of speed are quite good and his technique isn't bad either...


Senior Member
Fuck me, he's like the RB version of Umtiti. So cool, calm and composed. A beast.

Wee might have struck gold twice.

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