Deco 20
Scandinavian 101
12 euros sounds about right

+ Squirtle/Blastoise are superior to most.
I just started up Pokémon red and I have a Charizard at level 54.
Also level 71 Kabutotops, level 50 Zapdos, 36 Dugtrio, 21 Vileplume (probably for "cut"), and a level 50 Haunter... 10 hours played, 8 badges..
Anyway I'll start a new one with Squirtle.
But the first 2 gyms are Rock and WaterI'm sorry but anyone not choosing Charmander is not in their right mind

+ Squirtle/Blastoise are superior to most.
I just started up Pokémon red and I have a Charizard at level 54.
Also level 71 Kabutotops, level 50 Zapdos, 36 Dugtrio, 21 Vileplume (probably for "cut"), and a level 50 Haunter... 10 hours played, 8 badges..
Anyway I'll start a new one with Squirtle.
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