Neymar - v2

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Dr. Raed St. Claire
And Brazilians have won the Ballondor on European soil. Btw, the Keirsson deal was not to bring him to Barcelona, was to rip off Valencia.


I am Leg End
Ummm...Pedro is a good boy, far from Neymar. The only attribute he shares with Neymar is diving, and both do it casually nor religiously. Pedro is a tactics player with lots of confidence. And he looks like a Mexican, which is the most awesome thing about him, ever. When Pedro lost his confidence he lost it all. I mean everything. Not even tactics were helping him out, not even a remarkably well taken goal against Madrid brought him from the depression he is in. He was then replaced by another type of player, a wide forward dribbler in Cuenca, Barcelona's answer to Dani Parejo.

As for Villa, his career is not yet over, his interlink play is superb, my favorite striker of the decade for sure but he will need to be time managed. The sex pest will have to be managed for big games, because he WILL score for sure there. But his recovery will take sometime and to be honest, years in football go by fast and success fades away faster. Barcelona's continual success has been proportionally correlated to a talent revolving door. Players in, succeed and they are out. That leaves your forward line thin, with a broken player in Pedro, a one dimensional player in Cuenca and a very decent player in Tello.

That front line of Barcelona burns player, and quickly. It injured Messi numerous times as well as Pedro/Villa/Alexis and Bojan, Ibrahimovic as well as Eto'o. Continuous success needs change and a solid core.

Neymar would be one for the future like Alexis, because what I feel is that even through Barcelona produces many excellent forwards their shelf life is short. You just might need someone like Alexis and Neymar, internationals from other countries to remain unabsorbed by the pressure. Ones with exceptional talent, not just sons of the system. Tello, and Cuenca are talented, very talented but not exceptionally talented like Neymar.

If Neymar is brought, you would have a forward line of Neymar, Messi and Alexis with Pedro Villa and one of Tello or Cuenca loaned out (many clubs would rush for them). Who is to say that Neymar is to command a first place anyway? Pep is a stubborn man, not even Rosell flashing the money would make Pep fold.

Besides what has been discussed from a footballing or tactical view in this thread regarding Barcelona, no, your problem is not with Neymar joining Barcelona. Your problem is with Neymar himself. For some reason you dislike him, dislike the hype around him, you don't enjoy anything regarding Neymar. Someone who is a 20 year old enjoying life and football to the maximum and is cool as hell. The kid is a celebrity, has a bit of a temper but Villa had worse temper and retaliations, so did many great players like Romario, Zidane, including Pep.

By the end of the year, Neymar will make more than I will make in my entire engineering career including my investments and bonuses and granted coupons and free tickets etc...I'd fuckin' love to be him, but I do not hate on him but congratulate him. The kid is class, a joy to watch, daring, artful and different. Whatever happened with Robinho and Denilson is in the past, and they were not just accidents, there was a reason to their relative failure. There was a reason as to why their careers didn't pan out the way it should be.

Neymar might end up as one, but I sure as hell don't bet against him just to say I TOLD YOU SO if or when he fails. People who do not deserve a spot in European outfits are people who waste the money like King Kenny, racists like Terry, Chavs like half of the Liverpool team, ungrateful assholes like Tevez among many others.

There is no such thing as short cuts in football, there is no such thing as safe routes. Look at Arsenal, look at your miserable club, look at Inter, and look at Manchester United's midfield. You have to take gambles and you have to go for your first options. Nothing less. And Neymar is not less, he is a top option. Top options win you titles, and continue to win you titles. Look at Napoli, they bought a very good first team, sure they linger in an unflattering position in the league but they advanced from a group that would have seen Liverpool in the bottom of it and on the verge of advancing to the next round.

I do not blame anyone pursuing Neymar, he is FANTASTIC. Enjoy his talent because there isn't many like it. And if you cannot enjoy Neymar I have no idea how you can enjoy Adam or reason with Downing and Caroll :SHOCKING:

So as it stands you proved to have something against: Flash, Swag, Talent, Beauty, Skills, Panache and Success.

Wow just seen this so let me respond in kind.

Firstly if you don't think Pedro hasn't got talent, skill, Beauty, swag, panache and success in his game then I am bewildered on your judgment of him.

Villa may or may not recover to what he used to be, however he will still be a goal machine and will still be the perfect foil for Messi. Plus his knack of scoring in big matches cannot be discounted. I would say get rid of Villa at your peril.

I don't think Neymar is exceptionally talented that is the issue. I think he is very, very talented but yet to be convinced he is on the exceptional talent list. I don't see him being worth the risk for Barca spending a huge amount of money on him, when they have the safer options of Alexis, Pedro, Cuenca and Tello who are used to the system and can develop into better players as well.

What does Neymar's income or future income got to do with this? Or yours? Where have I ever said I hate Neymar? I don't hate Neymar. I hate his hype. Yes. That doesn't mean I hate Neymar, so let's make that clear ok. Am I saying he isn't a joy to watch? No. Do I question his work ethic? Yes. I am saying he isn't worth the risk for Barcelona because of 1) the cost involved and 2) They already have players in his position who have the potential to be excellent hard working players.

Yes there is a reason Denilson and Robinho's career didn't reach to their potential. They listened to the hype, lost their work ethic, partied too much and lost focus. They lost their humbleness and got greedy.

Will Neymar end up like them or like Rivaldo or Ronaldo. It is in Neymar's hands, but I know where I am placing my bets at this moment in time.

There is no such thing as short cuts in football I agree with you. However there are such things as safe routes. Look at Lyon and Spurs for example of this over the past decade. Clubs that build a foundation over a period of 4-5 years, not in debt and still compete at a good level take the safe route. The likes of Real, Chelsea don't take this route in the past and present as their owners/president demand instant success and therefore take unneccessary risks, which in the long term cause bigger problems.

I agree top options win you titles and the best players win you titles, more over though the squad wins the titles nowadays and the strongest squad is usually the most successful.

I don't blame any club for pursuing Neymar either, because he has talent. BUT FOR BARCELONA it is an risk not worth taking because of the cost involved and because in Alexis, Pedro, Cuenca and Tello plus Villa they have the players already there to compliment Messi.

I enjoy talented players who also work hard for their teammates, have a great work ethic and remain humble. Messi exudes this. Neymar doesn't and until he shows those qualities then I will say again he is all style and no substance.

I don't have anything against flash, swag, talent, beauty, skills, panache or success. I loved Zidane who ticks all those boxes. I loved Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, Ronaldo, Van Basten, Maradona, Del Piero who have those attributes.

I never said I enjoy Adam or Downing or Carroll but when they are in the red of Liverpool I support them. Just like you support the crap in the Inter team and the likes of Lass, Khedira, Pepe, Altintop, Arbeloa and Callejon when they play for Madrid. You don't "enjoy" them but you support them.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
You bring Neymar in very bitter tone though. Like your last post, you said 'I hope you buy, I really hope so' or something to that effect. Why? Why do you hope Barcelona spend the money on him? What is there to be proven for you?

You do realize that Neymar assists quite a bit too, no? Besides Hulk, what talented Brazilian forward was instructed to work for the team? It is a rare policy in the world of football, that Barcelona and very few other clubs around the world adopted, for tactical reasons. Why wouldn't Neymar work for his team? Our Ronaldo doesn't work for our team, not defensively anyway until recently, he even in fact sometimes stops playing for a fit. And he cost 96 million.

Why isn't Neymar exceptionally talented? Who, right now, is more talented than he is in his age group?

And No, Pedro is your hard working man, very good on the ball, awesome first touch but his main attribute is his intelligent reading of the game, as he learned at La Masia.

As for Villa, he is all pedigree but he will need to managed, me and you there did not disagree there. His age is not on his side though which is why Neymar, if bought within the next 2 years would be perfect, theoretically speaking.


New member
I understand that some of you don't want him at Barca, but to say that RM should have him..:lol: If he continues this way he will definitely be in the top3 footballers in the world, so why would you want him to go to your eternal rival? They already have Benzema and I cry every time I see him in the white shirt. :(


Bomb Dropper
Too skinny. Wouldn't cut it on a rainy Tuesday night in San Mames. :pep:

that doesn't even work as a joke tho, coz he's played and beaten Peñarol who more butcheriffic than 90% of European teams and spent most of that two-legged Copa Libertadores Final literally kicking Neymar around the pitch.


previously known as Jonathan28
Whats up with the Neymar hate? When will people grow up and realise he is one of the biggest talents, if not the biggest in world football? Cuenca, Pedro and Tello over him? Are you guys insane? Jesus, this La Masia loveing has to stop, its the reason why players like Oleguer got regular playing time and 5 seasons at the club, even though they were shit. Yes, its good to use your youth, even better if you can win lots of trophies with most players having come through your system, but if better players than those who come through your youth come along, don't hate on them and show blind support to La Masia players, its childish and incredibly ignorant.


that doesn't even work as a joke tho, coz he's played and beaten Peñarol who more butcheriffic than 90% of European teams and spent most of that two-legged Copa Libertadores Final literally kicking Neymar around the pitch.

Then it works even better as a joke tbh.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
No man, Madridista or Cule, should ever dispute Oleguers role in La Liga. The man was pure entertainment, even though he was the most serious of players, ever.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
would probably clash with Messi as they both strive to be the best, might work for a season or so but not in the long run i don't think.
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