Neymar - v2

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Mike the Knife
Anybody actually in Brasil atm?...Sport suggests that his performance against England has sparked a debate about the need for him to go to Europe sooner than later...Any truth to this?


New member
In my opinion, he will be fine. For me, he just needs to sign with a coach that can ease the pressure. Also, everyone use to say the same about messi. ;-)

I hope you are right about Neymar, and if I had to place a bet I would say that Neymar will succeed.

The problem with Brazilian football for me is the fascination with 'tricks' and flair. Its the main reason Robihno was so over-hyped and now we see the same happening with Neymar. Robihno could pull off some amazing pieces of magic like this but it's foolish to judge a footballer based on such things.


Active member
finally people could see him play and here we are, discussing how he didnt fulfill expectations against European team once again (after Barca in CWC)
Bojan 2.0 + Robinho


Anybody actually in Brasil atm?...Sport suggests that his performance against England has sparked a debate about the need for him to go to Europe sooner than later...Any truth to this?
Yes, people are talking. Not only that, the ones that claim he's only good against weak oposition are revelling on his performance against england.
I blame people like Pele for putting uneccesary pressure on the kid, he is a good player and without the uneeded hype he would have done a Ronaldo and gone to a good European club, gain experience and then move to a top 4 club in Europe and succeed, now he has to go to a top European team and become a success instantly because of the hype


Senior Member
Definitely the case. He was a bit unlucky on that miss, but overall I didn't think he played all that bad, especially considering the fact that the Brazilians didn't play well as a whole.

It's not so much that he had a horrible game, it's that he was outshone by Oscar and Wilshere. He was billed as the most exciting young talent in the world, but really didn't look like it.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Strange. I didn't think he was good against England. :coffee:



I hope you are right about Neymar, and if I had to place a bet I would say that Neymar will succeed.

The problem with Brazilian football for me is the fascination with 'tricks' and flair. Its the main reason Robihno was so over-hyped and now we see the same happening with Neymar. Robihno could pull off some amazing pieces of magic like this but it's foolish to judge a footballer based on such things.

I couldn't disagree more, in Brasil, from youth your football has to be if the highest technical level or you will be weeded out quickly. The ability to best one's cover with creativity is highly valued, you are right. That is also the reason European teams have to come South to find someone that can beat their man + one or two more with consistency.

In regards with Robinho, anyone that knows football will tell you he was a very good footballer. He didn't have the proper guidance in his career or the focus for the type of consistency we hope for as watchers from a distance but he was good. He also wasn't a great but that is perfectly okay.


I am Leg End
What a good idea would be is if the Barca management desperately want him would be to buy him and then loan him for a season either to a team in la liga or to a team in another european league that is in similar style to la liga. That would be the smart thing to do. Let him acclimitise to europe, let him play week in, week out and see how he develops without risking anything for Barca in that first season.

I know it will not happen because of the marketing, sponsorship etc. However it would be a smart idea to loan him for experience in europe for that first season.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
I couldn't disagree more, in Brasil, from youth your football has to be if the highest technical level or you will be weeded out quickly. The ability to best one's cover with creativity is highly valued, you are right. That is also the reason European teams have to come South to find someone that can beat their man + one or two more with consistency.

In regards with Robinho, anyone that knows football will tell you he was a very good footballer. He didn't have the proper guidance in his career or the focus for the type of consistency we hope for as watchers from a distance but he was good. He also wasn't a great but that is perfectly okay.

This x1000

It's not as if he sucks as people like to say. His finishing leaves alot to be desired though..
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