Nico Williams


Well-known member
Players of his level should only get one chance with Barca. Bring standards back to Barca.
Players of his level should get peanuts as salary if the club is paying 58 mil in one go. A small salary means a possible resale option for 35 mil. But Barca aren't famous for that even in bankruptcy.
He has no numbers to back him up and for a runner 21 is the best age for mind-blowing statistics. He has the spirit of a star, he has the school, but not the ball control.

The plan was to finish the stadium, get a star and pay the crippling debt. They reported huge losses with the stadium and somehow without selling anything, we have money for everything and for Shark v2.
Absolutely disgusting behavior.


Senior Member
He'll stay and play in Europe for Bilbao, I've told you about this like 2 months ago.
Did you though? Or you said the club doesn't have the money to sign him and we'll have a disappointing summer? Lol.

If he stays good for him, sucks for us, we need a winger than can go inside and out side on both flanks.


Senior Member
Did you though? Or you said the club doesn't have the money to sign him and we'll have a disappointing summer? Lol.

If he stays good for him, sucks for us, we need a winger than can go inside and out side on both flanks.

I've said both and still stand by both.

It will be a disapointing summer for me anyway if we offload Vitor.


Senior Member
I kind of had a feeling in the end Barca will only get fucked.. Maybe look for some free agents with low salary or just rely on youth players.. Guess we have fallen soo low that even the likes of Nico and Olmo are mission impossible for us.. Now all Barca has to do is offload Vitor and get stuck with semi retired Lewandowski for another even more shit season than the last one.. Guess we're going down AC Milan style..


Senior Member
Olmo can play as CAM, Pedri will be injured like always do he will play good amount of games as CAM.

Hope so we get some real winger, it can be cheaper option, just to fit profile wise.

Olmo, Merino and some LW I would be satisfied.


Senior Member
I’ve expected Barca to sign no one all summer to be fair. Well I think it would have been Guido Rodriguez but thankfully that’s been veto’d.


Senior Member
If we fail to sign anyone, would any of you mind Depay returning on a short term deal, hypothetically assuming he stays fit?

He has a good goal record since moving to Spain and as long as he isn't too prominent can be useful as we've seen sometimes.

The only question would be the injuries.


Senior Member
Nah the time for depay has passed, personally I would have kept him the season we let him go, but now isn't the time.

If we don't get Williams, we just keep the money and go for him next summer.


President of FC Barcelona
Keep the money for sure.

Then next summer you see what the options are. Doesn't necessarily have to be Nico Williams again. Who knows perhaps someone better becomes available or a new gem is discovered. A lot can change in a year.

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