Ousmane Dembélé

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If Neymar gets injured again, many fans will quickly switch to thanking Dembele for letting Barca dodging the bullet.

More likely that the fans will only turn on Dembele if Neymar dominates Ligue 1 and he continues to suck or getting injured.


Neymar started getting frequently injured when he moved to PSG and thats no coincidence. Ligue 1 refs are a lot more lenient when it comes to rough tackles. A PSG fan theorised that this could be part of the reasons why Neymar is so eager to get out.


So you can keep making excuses for him Lapi, but Ousmane has been lucky the club have been fairly lenient so far, but it stopped after his recent incident.

You sound like a 90 years old judge at a high-court somewhere. Quoting the accusations of the prosecution but not listening to the defense.
I don't even try making excuses for him, until you have strong evidence in front of the jury, which nobody has in this case.

He played the first Liga game, played badly. But wasn't worse than thew rest of the team. Fact.
He went to the pitch already injured - gossip. And I can go on with absolutely contradictory statements being heard everywhere.
He missed a medical check but we know nothing of the actual circumstances, only the bad gossips him going to Africa, which wasn't true.

You shouldn't think the club is different from humans, as they also need scapegoats time to time. At present it is Dembele, but it might change one day.

You don't know - just as I or anyone else - if Abidal is really fed up by him or not. It's a gossip, bad journalism that tries to always find the actual scapegoats and then stick to the stories, in the hope that it will soon get worse and then another article can deal with the nothing to fill in the empty pages.

The ISSUE would be real and would really carry an important warning-sign if:
1. Any disciplinary action was already needed against the disorderly player.
2. Repeated disorderly actions shown the player's bad attitude and despite fine-fees, the behaviour didn't change.
3. Repeated disorderly actions started to endanger the rest of the team.

You can see none of these and all you hear is gossips, which usually are initially quite contradictory to each other but later those flatten up besides the given agenda.

- He was late for training earlier in the last season. Possible but supposedly not to the extent of the press chewing about it.
All footballers and sportsmen are sometimes late for duty, just as you - normal humans - are.
- He eats rotten octopuses and like to do that twice by cudding them up all. Gossip. Bad gossip related to nothing evident. But if it is TRUE, it is the club's responsibility to handle it, as they have the highly paid staff for that.

What else? Nothing.
Or do you wanna say that the hardly too sophisticated personal opinions of bias-king BBZ and the like - on his status of intellect - are the ones that really determine his human and brain qualities?

Naturally I don't know him and hear the very same gossips and accusations, but at least I do know where and what to believe as being FACTUAL and when to question the gossips.

He is not an alcoholic, he is a devote Muslim so cannot even drink, he likes to play video-games - great sin.
Sometimes he goes to sleep late, the funniest, as if the journalists are sleeping in his bed.
Just collect all these and the end-result will be almost nothing.

Just recently people, the haters, started spreading that he is gay, because nobody has seen him with female company. Is it true? Is it certain? If it is does it mean anything?
First just put these questions up to yourself and if you are a cleverly cognitive human, you will get the same negative answers.

These words by me are NOT the "excuses" - as you put it - these are the facts, facts that neither you or me know nothing about.
When you judge humans do it the professional way, by first examining all available evidence, and THEN you may ask us to stand up and listen to the verdict!


Lapi do you seriously expect people here of all places to take an objective view? (trolls, twelvies and the intellectually Disabled etc)
If you expand it past this forum you'll also realise that people aren't overly analytical or critical.

Don't get me wrong he has issues with his performances and some of the accusations maybe be true but a majority of people have unfairly targeted him since his arrival and that won't change any time soon unless he has close to Messi like levels of performances. He just needs to Get his head down and play well and leave everything else behind him otherwise if he can't perform this season there's no place for him here.
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Menes: "Dembélé, not only he never wanted to go to Paris, but in addition we never asked him to go there"

Marc Alvarez

Spookiness, noise, inventions, there will have been many during the Neymar soap opera that ends. What annoyance for Pierre Ménès who explains that nobody asked Ousmane Dembélé to go to the PSG, while it can be read that he was almost harassed in this perspective.


New member
The offer was confirmed by Leonardo.

This sounds more like a cover up by the board to appease the whole situation, which is to be expected.


Lapi do you seriously expect people here of all places to take an objective view? (trolls, twelvies and the intellectually Disabled etc)
If you expand it past this forum you'll also realise that people aren't overly analytical or critical.

I've been reading this forum for more than two years and yes, there are/were fairly objective views here.
It's been just a recent tendency not only to shit on almost every Barca player, but questioning their elementary human qualities, which is a bit discouraging.

This forum seems to be a sort of acceptable place, when the team is winning, when results are encouraging. The faeces usually fills the place when things are not good, so it's sort of okay because we will all experience a dramatic fall of this team and mainly with its present coach.

There were people here warning others about the loss of style, loss of attacking spirit, when Valverde had a single lost game in his first year. Nobody listened and took care.
If people are bashing others because there's nobody else to beat up, it's also sort of bearable, but when they try to find SCAPEGOATS and beat only them, it's a bit too much.

Don't get me wrong he has issues with his performances and some of the accusations maybe be true but a majority of people have unfairly targeted him since his arrival and that won't change any time soon unless he has close to Messi like levels of performances. He just needs to Get his head down and play well and leave everything else behind him otherwise if he can't perform this season there's no place for him here.

You are right and that's why I said in Neymar's thread that for him the best would be to leave, to find a team that suits his speed and style, because this Barca team plays this game, where possession means the defenders and midfielders try to keep the ball without any meaningful intention to score a single goal, a character like Dembele is just a waste of talent.

I've been a Barca fan for more than ten years but have never seen 45 minutes without a SHOT on goal, like yesterday.
This is not on the shoulders of the players, be it any of them, but it's most definitely the result of having a coach, who seemingly has no idea about what he is doing.

That is why I dislike personal attacks on selected players, because it is simply: stupid.
Barca is not playing like a mid-table Laliga team because Dembele eats too much pizza, or is 7 minutes late for a training he doesn't even participate in due to injury, but because there is something very bad happening around the CORE of the Barca style and approach, mainly due to the coach, who is most probably much more stupid than the players themselves.


New member
Neymar started getting frequently injured when he moved to PSG and thats no coincidence. Ligue 1 refs are a lot more lenient when it comes to rough tackles. A PSG fan theorised that this could be part of the reasons why Neymar is so eager to get out.

He also holds on to the ball a whole lot more at PSG.


Well-known member
View attachment 8553regardez ,le truc que Dembélé avait montré au monde entier .il n'avait que 18 ans à Rennes

He has talent, no one can question that, but talent takes you only so far.. Look Ronaldo. Ultimate professional. Dembele is not behaving like an elite athlete should. That's why people question him AND his lack of development as a player(he hasn't improved in years). That's probably to a lack of professionalism as well.

I don't think he has the mentality to be top professional. He as talent but Not the drive what is needed.

That's why I would move from him, not because lack of talent.


Improvin' Perfection!!
He has talent, no one can question that, but talent takes you only so far.. Look Ronaldo. Ultimate professional. Dembele is not behaving like an elite athlete should. That's why people question him AND his lack of development as a player(he hasn't improved in years). That's probably to a lack of professionalism as well.

I don't think he has the mentality to be top professional. He as talent but Not the drive what is needed.

That's why I would move from him, not because lack of talent.

With the fans now arguably on his back for blocking the snake's move here, hopefully he will find the drive to prove them wrong and make himself valuable for the team.

Having that said, I really love him for blocking the snake's move
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