Ousmane Dembélé


Well-known member
If the club told them he has to take a pay cut because there is no money and then went on to sign Ferran that was stupid, at least wait for them to sign it then before revealing you were lying. But let's be real, he shouldn't get a pay cut for just that anyway. His salary should be lowered because he was already overpaid for 5 years here, 5 fucking seasons of him being injured, underperforming and constant stories about his misbehavior. He never deserved that salary in the first place ans now they even want a raise and bonus, stunning!

Of course his agent will have a different opinion on that but oh well then fuck off and good luck elsewhere. Even if money wasn't an issue these numbers that are floating around now are ridiculous and that kind of stuff is what ruined our finances in the first place.
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Well-known member
Ousmane Demb?l? demanded an annual salary of ?43m, a bonus of ?5m for winning the Champions League, and ?2m for winning La Liga.

? @cfbayern

Play him until we destroy his hamstrings

Dembele and his agent are bluffing. No team is stupid enough to offer anything close to 40mil.

Or he doesn't want to stay with Barca.


Senior Member
I do agree that Laporta got played here. I don't know why he was pushing so hard for Dembele to renew in the first place.

Time for the club to stop playing ball with Dembele & and his agent now and treat them as ruthlessly as possible.

I think they would've tried to sell Dembele if he wasn't injured this August, and I don't think anyone really got played.


Senior Member
Ousmane Demb?l? demanded an annual salary of ?43m, a bonus of ?5m for winning the Champions League, and ?2m for winning La Liga.

? @cfbayern

Play him until we destroy his hamstrings

We would know if all these media quoted salaries hold ground when he signs his next free contract with whatever club. I still think his next fixed Salary would be around 15m


Senior Member
After Dembele's ridiculous demands, Ferran Torres can be registered if Bar?a manage to offload Coutinho and Umtiti, but it's looking increasingly difficult to do so. There is real worry within the club.

? @mundodeportivo

Oh no worries then!

Easy stuff we will have no trouble at all offloading their 40m a year salaries


Well-known member
After Dembele's ridiculous demands, Ferran Torres can be registered if Bar?a manage to offload Coutinho and Umtiti, but it's looking increasingly difficult to do so. There is real worry within the club.

? @mundodeportivo

Can someone who's better with numbers and the la liga rules explain this? Why would extending Dembele on lower wages be enough but otherwise we need to get rid of both Umtiti AND Coutinho?

Both on their own should earn way more than any potential reduction for Dembeles salary? Or is this about the annual amortization of his transfer fee as well?
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Senior Member
Can someone who's better with numbers and the la liga rules explain this? Why would extending Dembele on lower wages be enough but otherwise we need to get rid of both Umtiti AND Coutinho?

Both on their own should earn way more than any potential reduction for Dembeles salary? Or is this about the annual amortization of his transfer fee as well?

Because a board did an oopsie and fucked up countinho's amortization last year to record better numbers.

Basically it's an annual amortization issue


Someone who all these years barely played for the club while collecting wages and was paid 100 million should be a bit more humble and intent of repaying the trust.

Doesn't work like that these days unfortunately. Personally think that they felt lied to regarding available funds and are now holding firm on wanting 15m+.

Stupid thing here is not getting the dembele contract signed before actually buying torres if it was heavily reliant on it. Masterclass indeed.

Can someone who's better with numbers and the la liga rules explain this? Why would extending Dembele on lower wages be enough but otherwise we need to get rid of both Umtiti AND Coutinho?

Both on their own should earn way more than any potential reduction for Dembeles salary? Or is this about the annual amortization of his transfer fee as well?

Annual amortization, we've written off their book values according to reports (for Coutinho and umtiti) or we wont get enough from the sale to offset the amortisation costs with those players which makes it even worse? which means extending them or getting rid of them wont reduce the book value on them (as no one will pay anything for them) where as dembele still has a book value of ~20m? so extending him means we save like 16m from the 20m this year.
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Senior Member
Doesn't work like that these days unfortunately. Personally think that they felt lied to regarding available funds and are now holding firm on wanting 15m+.

Stupid thing here is not getting the dembele contract signed before actually buying torres if it was heavily reliant on it. Masterclass indeed.

Annual amortization, we've written off their book values according to reports (for Coutinho and umtiti) or we wont get enough from the sale to offset the amortisation costs with those players which makes it even worse? which means extending them or getting rid of them wont reduce the book value on them (as no one will pay anything for them) where as dembele still has a book value of ~20m? so extending him means we save like 16m from the 20m this year.

No chance dembele would sign the same contract in Jan itself even if Torres wasn't signed. It's good they signed his replacement asap now to figure out how to register him after that dembele contract becomes irrelevant.

Torres is just another excuse to demand more money


Senior Member
Disaster of a signing. He has no clue what club he has the privilege to play for and doesn't hold back his ridiculous and undeserved demands even though Barca are in a bad financial situation. It's pure greed on top of his below average brain. A bad combo.


Senior Member
No chance dembele would sign the same contract in Jan itself even if Torres wasn't signed. It's good they signed his replacement asap now to figure out how to register him after that dembele contract becomes irrelevant.

Torres is just another excuse to demand more money

If I'm to go by media, what was offered to Dembele had a lower fixed salary than his current earnings, but higher overall in other variables. Someone like Dembele would surely not be signing that, seeing that he'll be injured frequently.


Well-known member
Let's be real if he was eager to succeed at his "dream club" he would want to find a solution and play alongside Ferran. Players who wabt to have success with their team welcome new good players even if they fight for the same spots. They could agree on a low buyout or shorter contract to negotiate another extension soon, or idk have it increase later or be more bonus based depending on performances/minutes or something...just anything that works for both parties for now while the situation is that bad.

This is just a dumb excuse for his agent to pressure Barca, but since the club can't afford is there isn't really anything to pressure us into. Just means he'll leave in the summer...but they could've just made that clear from the beginning. Confusing stuff.

And if the board really relied on it to register Ferran then that's plain stupid because they should be well aware we won't have any big sales this winter otherwise. Best chance would be saving a part of Coutinho/Umtitis salaries with loans but even there is huge fucking question mark.


Active member
If the club told them he has to take a pay cut because there is no money and then went on to sign Ferran that was stupid, at least wait for them to sign it then before revealing you were lying

It's not like we have the cash to buy Torres, I mean we are paying City in four installments, with the first payment being made in July 2022.


Senior Member
The cash it not the issue all that much.

Club could pay the cash from loan easily it is the accounts and amortised value of transfer and salary to be paid out in accordance with league rules the issue is with.

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