Paul Pogba



Apparently Raiola demands Pogba to be the second highest paid player in the squad, only behind Messi... Ludicrous. This transfer would be financially dewastating.

fuk Raiola, if this is true then forget Pogba.

Also if Pogba keen to move to Barcelona he should have some realistic demands. Time to jump on Gundogan ship if the above is true.


Mike the Knife
For those that have only been around for a season or two, or less - Pizza boy was correctly avoided by the prior board for all the obvious reasons which makes the Pogba pursuit baffling...Of course, having changed the club's philosophy and buying galacticos each summer means logic/reason have been cast aside

Fortunately, elections await...let's hope we see a course correction


Can he be that much of an idiot?

He's not an idiot. If anything, he is handling the situation very smart. According to several sources Real and Barcelona are interested in Pogba. Florentino Perez is known for splashing crazy amounts for players and he certainly would do the same with Pogba, especially after a rather disappointing season for Real.
Bartomeu wants the signing of Pogba to help him in the upcoming elections. Our board really wants to seal the deal soon to use it as a marketing/propaganda move.

Raiola pressures both clubs to outbid each other and whoever pays more will get him. He surely doesn't care if Pogba will play for Real or Barcelona because only money counts. Furthermore, it's a common knowledge that you always demand the maximum because this will give you a good position in the negotiations. If he says that Pogba wants 4m€ per year, he'll not be able to demand a higher wage later.


Senior Member
For those that have only been around for a season or two, or less - Pizza boy was correctly avoided by the prior board for all the obvious reasons which makes the Pogba pursuit baffling...Of course, having changed the club's philosophy and buying galacticos each summer means logic/reason have been cast aside

Fortunately, elections await...let's hope we see a course correction

Totally false.

The previous board signed Ibrahimovic with Raiola as his agent and put him Raiola on the wage bill of the club for four years.

Raiola was still getting paid from Barca years after Barca lost 50 odd million on the only 'galactico' that actually failed at club.


It's Miguel Rico from MD who said raiola wants pogba to be the 2nd highest paid, only behind Messi. He's usually reliable.

That sounds like raiola too. And that demand is insane.


High Definition Member
Raiola represented more than just Ibra actually. I think it's better if we avoid him though, I actually forgot he was Pogba's agent.

Not sure he is worth the hassle we could get Gundogan/Kovacic for less money and fuss. I did like Pogba from a football POV though.


New member
Yeah, those are simply insane demands, and it would not bode well for the squad atmosphere if a 22 year old and relatively unproven player (at least compared to his colleagues in Barca) came in and suddenly was the second highest paid player behind Messi.

And is Pogba really arrogant enough to be fine with these insane demands from Railoa? I'd expect him to talk some sense into his agent if he wants to join us. I mean, if he's completely fine with the idea of coming into a team like Barca and suddenly be the second best paid player in the squad, only sitting behind the greatest player of all time in Messi - someone who has brought the fans and club so much joy and pride for so many years, then I'm even more against us going for him as it shows a mindset that is completely unfitting for our team.

Barca is a team where the family-like atmosphere in the squad and entire institution is paramount, it's not just some collection of highly paid superstar mercenaries who's ultimate goal is to get a higher pay-check. There's an element of enormous arrogance to this that I can't overlook, and it will make it very hard for me to get behind him if he becomes our player on these terms - and I usually grow very fond and supportive of our players quickly.
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Devil May Cry
Yeah, those are simply insane demands, and it would not bode well for the squad atmosphere if a 22 year old and relatively unproven player (at least compared to his colleagues in Barca) came in and suddenly was the second highest paid squad member behind Messi.

And is Pogba really arrogant enough to be fine with these insane demands from Railoa? I'd expect him to talk some sense into his agent if he wants to join us. I mean, if he's completely fine with the idea of coming into a team like Barca and suddenly be the second best paid player in the squad, only sitting behind the greatest player of all time in Messi - someone who has brought the fans and club so much joy and pride for so many years, then I'm even more against us going for him as it shows a mindset that is completely unfitting for our team.

Barca is a team where the family-like atmosphere in the squad and entire institution is paramount, it's not just some collection of highly paid superstar mercenaries who's ultimate goal is to get a higher pay-check. There's an element of enormous arrogance to this that I can't overlook, and it will make it very hard for me to get behind him if he becomes our player on these terms - and I usually grow very fond and supportive of our players very quickly.
That used to be true. Neymar and Suarez ARE highly paid superstar mecenaries and their wage is higher than the likes of club legends Xavi and Iniesta.


New member
That used to be true. Neymar and Suarez ARE highly paid superstar mecenaries and their wage is higher than the likes of club legends Xavi and Iniesta.

Please. Suarez isn't a mercenary, his ties to Barcelona are well documented.

Neymar also chose Barca over Real Madrid and other clubs even when much higher offers were ticking in as he signed the contract.

They are both well paid and came at very high prices, but they are not mercenaries. The way they are integrated into the team, with Neymar signing his son up in the club and all, just goes to show that. Completely part of the family and the unit that is Barca, which is bigger than the sum of its parts.


Devil May Cry
Please. Suarez isn't a mercenary, his ties to Barcelona are well documented.

Neymar also chose Barca over Real Madrid and other clubs even when much higher offers were ticking in as he signed the contract.

They are both well paid and came at very high prices, but they are not mercenaries. The way they are integrated into the team, with Neymar signing his son up in the club and all, just goes to show that. Completely part of the family and the unit that is Barca, which is bigger than the sum of its parts.

And why is Pogba any different ? He'll choose either RM or Barca and then he'll say that he was a fan/it was always his dream to join "insert club which Pogba joined here" .

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